
Sunday, March 5, 2023

Sunday blog






I bought this for my son and he threw it from the tenth floor

Great week in the life of improvising. On Friday, I went to see my friend Mark perform at Strike theater for their stage match competition.  It was enjoyable to see so many people in the audience. Strike theater is connected to a bunch of small restaurants in this warehouse-building so parking can be cumbersome. I parked in the back and found a door that helped me walk through the whole warehouse.

On Thursday, I got real sick, and learned that my body cannot digest cauliflower, cooked or uncooked. 

Finally, I read a few books and caught up on a few TV shows. 

Psychological Tricks 
  1. Foot-in-the-door phenomenon, People are more likely to agree to do a task for you if you ask them to do something simpler first (Gradual commitment makes people think you like them). Alternatively, you ask them to do an unreasonable task and they’ll say no. So then you should ask for a more reasonable task and they will be more likely to agree.

  2. Remembering Names, if you can get into the habit of not only remembering someone’s name when you first meet them, but using their name in the subsequent conversation you have, they’ll find you terribly charming and wonderful. Isn’t that awesome?

  3. When laughter breaks out in a group of people, each one will instinctively glance at whichever other individual they feel closest to in that group. This is a good way of spotting who is more closer to whom in the group.

  4. Chew gum when you’re approaching a situation that would make you nervous like public speaking or bungee jumping. If we are ‘eating’ something, our brain trips and it reasons “I would not be eating if I were danger. So I’m not in danger’’.

  5. People’s feet are often an insight into what they’re thinking. For example, if you approach two people talking and they turn their torso to you but not their feet, they’d prefer you leave them alone. Similarly if you’re talking to someone and their torso is turned towards you but their feet are facing in another direction, they want the conversation to end.




I heard a new season Bridgerton is coming to TV so I picked this book up.



  1. I always like it when someone remembers my name, so I make a point to remember the names of others.

    I learned the tip about asking someone for a small task first when I worked for the Census Bureau long ago.

    1. I like when my ride-share passengers leave my car saying my name

  2. The name thing is so true! I had a professor in college that remembered my name before I even had him, and that made me respect him a lot. I really need to work on the name thing because I forget names so easily. Glad you're okay, the cauliflower thing is crazy sounding! Hope you have a good week!

    1. I liked that my professor remembered me, and I make it a point to remember and reflect on many of my grade school teachers to the point that I still know there names till this day.

  3. You can tell me your name 5 times and I still won't remember it no matter how hard I try!

    1. Nice, I have the bad habit of forgetting people's names in improv scenes even when I am the one giving them the name, funny how that works.

  4. Can't eat cauliflower? I haven't heard of anyone with a sensitivity to that before.

    1. Yes, I guess it's fairly common. My mom used to love cauliflower and so I guess that's why I'll pick it up from time to time unconsciously even though its bad for me.

  5. Sending a toy plane from the 10th floor sounds great. I imagine it could sail and do a soft landing — or crash land in a million pieces.

    best… mae at

    1. It was a pretty soft landing due to the styrofoam, and we had someone down below ready for the pick-up.

