
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sunday Post

via GIPHYd



This week I went to the recording studio in Brooklyn Center to make episode one of Dark Shadows, you may remember this show from the 60's. We have decided to create an improv version of this show and I play sister Cullen.

On Thursday morning It snowed a couple more inches in Minnesota, and I tried to get out of the driveway of my work place and got stuck and then rang AAA and they didn't say what time they'd tow me out, 

but I'm glad I didn't wait, because I got a call back three hours later.

It was treacherous and there were no cars on the highway at 7AM on a weekday. I scrambled to get the last parking spot near my building and didn't leave till the next day.

Recording Dark Shadows

By the way, I had this thing happen on my chromebook where it changed my email login completely  to another one, and it's made it hard to locate fellow bloggers. Before I could just type one or two letters of a familiar blog name and it would pop up in the search but now it does not. If anyone has a strategy for keeping track of all of their blog readers let me know in the comments below.



Charley Rhodes works at Bold Brew Coffeehouse and has a penchant for matchmaking. Some even say she’s an actual love match charmer, but Charley simply maintains it’s the magic of living in Valentine, Vermont, and the maple cinnamon lattes that inspire her gift of helping others find love. The problem is she’s just as bad at finding love for herself as she is good at finding it for others. With an angelic voice that could melt the coldest of hearts, her single status is even more difficult to grasp. Too bad making whipped cream and chocolate drizzled beverages are the only plans she's had for Valentine's Day since having her heart tossed out like a box of outdated candy hearts three years ago.

I liked this novel so-so. I liked the idea that one of the characters reviews Inns and another is a matchmaker. The novel was kinda Cheesy and the author could have delved deeper into characterization and tone, but it was cute. Relationships, no matter their nature, always require hard work. But what happens when, despite the hours put into your relationship, your writing partner and close friend becomes your enemy? This is the reality for Katrina Freeling and Nathan Van Huysen in The Roughest Draft.

The duo were once considered the hottest new voices in the literary scene, but their friendship quickly deteriorates after their wildly successful co-written novel is released. Nathan is accused of having an extramarital affair, then each one takes jabs at the other in unflattering interviews. Thanks to a few other fascinating developments that dominate the news cycle, Nathan and Katrina end up not speaking to each other for four years after their messy demise.


  1. For the last two weeks, your list on Sunday Salon took me to a post you wrote in November! I went to Mister Linky both weeks and changed the link to the correct one. I wonder if this has anything to do with your trouble in your Chromebook.

    I keep a list of bloggers I like to visit with links, and I try to visit as many as I can each week. I use the Sunday Salon linkup to visit bloggers on the weekend-through-Monday.

    1. Sometmes I use Google Keep to keep track of all bloggers and I try to make it a habit to visit a new blog every week.

  2. I use Feedly and I have a category for bloggers who comment on my posts. However, that being said, I never use it because I always have Feedly set on "All" so I just read ALL blogs I've subscribed to in chronological order, whether they comment on my posts or not. LOL

    I do like to give preferential treatment (aka my replying time) to people who have left comments on my blog, so I keep a checklist in Notes on my iPhone so I can visit those blogs first every week and check them off as I go. And yes, YOU, are o that checklist. LOL

    The improv stuff sounds fun, the treacherous snow stuff does not. Be careful out there!

    1. I'll try to keep careful. I will keep the feedly in mind, because I like the idea that it keeps all of them in alphabetical order.

  3. Wow! Glad you were okay in your drive. Friday night we had almost what seemed like a freak ice storm and there were a lot of accidents. I think because the news didn't make a big deal about it people still went out and drove because it was a Friday night. That is a ton of snow you're getting! I love the idea of the Dark Shadows show. Hope you're having fun with that! Have a good week!

  4. Snow piling up can really be tiresome! I’ve temporarily escaped but have to go back some time.

    best… mae at

