
Saturday, February 4, 2023

Sunday post





On Monday, I went to a Yoga class at the Y .  I got locked out of the the class so instead of knocking I go to the front desk and ask them to unlock the door, which is very telling about my personality.

 This week I sat in on a sketch comedy website. We made an inventory list of objects which I later found out was supposed to be in a chosen setting. 

We talked about how the ad companies seem to know all about us online and how they have found ways to send us advertisements based on our interest to our emails and social media sites. Here is an interesting article about a woman who was stalked by an advertising shoe company.

This is a sketch comedy exercise we did this week.

1.Write a list of settings 

2. Then choose a setting and write a list of objects, 

3.Then write a list of objects, then choose an object and write a paragraph from the objects perspective in one of the chosen settings.

Here are some funny things that I heard on the radio this week.

I can’t go to your work party because I have a avocado 🥑 at home that just riped.

Netflix embarrasses me: ‘Are you still watching?'

Whenever the jury wants to solve a murder, they write and say "We need you, here is 15 bucks."

My kids said being a dirty adult must be awesome. I didn’t wanna ruin it for them by saying "honey you are describing depression…, that’s an adult who hasn’t gotten into adulthood"

I picked up a rubber band that has been in the same spot for three years. You see what I’m capable of when I give it my all-when something has been there for longer than three days, it becomes a part of the landscape.

When I want to let people know that I’m done with a conversation, but don’t wanna be rude about it, I comment with a smiley on my last text.

Upcoming Events

To Kill a Mockingbird presented by Hennepin Trust
All rise for Academy Award®-winner Aaron Sorkin’s adaptation of Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning masterwork.
Feb 14-19




  1. I hate the way we're tracked online as a marketing tool. It makes me feel violated.

    1. Yes, I feel violated when they send me weight loss ads and sometimes bikini ads. Lots of mixed messages there, lol.

  2. I do not like it that these ad folks know so much about me. I refuse to buy from them when they are so pushy.

    1. I refuse to buy as well, but it's funny how I only seem to know about these products and no others when I go into the store now-a-days.

  3. I refuse to pay attention to them. One thing that helps is going on brief periods where I don't visit my social media at all.

  4. Many times when I click on your Sunday Salon link I get a weird error, but this time it worked! Yay!!!

    I can totally relate to what was said about the ripe avocado, Netflix asking me if I'm still watching (YES, Netflix! It is called binge watching and I'm pretty sure you invented it???), and the smiley face (or a thumbs up) at the end of a text. Some people just do not know when to STOP already!!!

    1. I like this idea of you going to the Netfli and being Like "yeah inventor, I'm watching Netflix thanks!"

  5. Lol. The smiley face at the end of the text is so true. I do that if I can't say what I want to say to someone without being rude. Or I do a thumbs up. They get an emoji from me if I'm done, lol. I love the being stalked article, lol. And my YouTube TV app does the same thing to me as Netlix sometimes, pausing the show that is on in the other room and asking if I'm still watching. It does it a lot when I put on the Harry Potter marathons sometimes. Have a great week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  6. I hate those ads and tracking things. It feels like everyone is watching me and they know way too much about my likes and dislikes. I just try to ignore everything.

    1. I need to write a sketch about these constant ads:)

  7. I miss the great theater in the Twin Cities, so many types and venues. The ads have gone wild because I sometimes read about things which don't apply to me but I'm curious. I try to filter my social media more these days.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Indeed. I find myself wondering why I have ads for male clothes or other random things.

  8. I like the smilling face idea. I usually say, Ok, chat with you later!

  9. Those are funny things. I never understood the whole serving on a jury thing. They get 12 unqualified people to deliberate on whether the person is guilty or not.

