
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Sunday Post



he Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme



This week was cold and snowy in Minnesota. Somehow I got out of the house and went to do improv and work. I had to cancel my root canal appointment because I had to see two different dentists to see about crown lengthening and the appointments didn't align.

Scenes from a Hat Improv

I took part in Scenes from a Hat improv.  We do scenes and short form improv and the acting is recorded in a studio and streamed to YouTube.  I included some pictures of the event. In this week's session I did scenes where I was a reporter and a hula dancer. I was a little girl whose father was afraid for her life-she kept approaching animals in exhibits at the zoo.

Because I didn't get to drive for ride-share due to the snow, I read a lot of books.

This was my week, how was yours?  Let me know in the comments below.




Ted Chiang, author of Stories of You Life and Others discusses the future of having an app that checks in on your inconsistencies towards others in a logging system, in an effort to improve your behavior. The app would note the behaviors in statistical graphs and charts.

During a talk with Ted Chiang someone asked: What is the difference between self logging your thoughts?  (using external life logs or smart phones) versus using an internal log (i.e. diary or Blog) How would it eschew one's sense of self if one part  of our life is recorded externally but the other part is inefficiently recorded?
Ted Chiang gives the example of smart goggles and how they observe where your gaze through day and information you were taking in, and how this information can be analyzed statistically and given in a table or chart more efficiently, than if you were to record your thoughts in a diary.


  1. You should tell more about your Improv -- which one is you? What was it like?

    best... mae at

  2. I wondered what you do about your driving when it's snowing. I can't imagine driving in snow, but it's probably easy for you.

    I've kept a journal for almost fifty years.

    1. I kept a journal since I was a kid. It definitely makes a person more self aware, and helps with creating tone in writing.

  3. Scenes from a hat is one of my favorite skits on Who's Line is it Anyway! Sounds like fun. We are going to get some snow this week I think in Missouri. I'm ready for it. Especially when I don't have to drive to work. Hope you have a good week, and thanks for stopping by my Sunday post on Lisa Loves Literature!

    1. I'm glad someone is ready for the snow. I had to loan someone an extra scraper this week.

  4. Improv sounds like fun. I definitely don't miss snow now that I'm living in Florida. The worst was when I had to drive to work in it. I hope you have a great week!

    1. The snow gets really bumpy. I still remember white knuckling the steering wheel while driving 30 minutes from Shakopee.

  5. It's been cold here but unfortunately no snow.

    1. Glad you haven't got the snow in Nevada, although I heard it gets quite cold at night in the desert.

  6. Driving in winter with all that snow and ice looks terrifying frankly.
    I hope you are able to sort out the dentistry issues.

    Wishing you a great reading week and happy holidays!

    1. Thanks Shelley, it's quite the run around calling other dental clinics and seeing if they'll fit me in. Most clinics are booked out three months, some even six months!

