
Saturday, November 26, 2022

Sunday Post




The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme



This week I took several people to the airport. 

 I also went to the dentist twice, I had an endodontic appointment for a consultation on a root canal, and an appointment for cleaning  My brother talked me through it, as finding the clinic was half the battle. It's located on the U of M campus.  

I went to see comedian, Josh Blue. My friend had tickets and she has cerebral palsy like Josh so it was great to support his work.  Josh blue was voted the Last Comic Standing (fourth season).

I enjoyed this quote from Tiny Buddha about sensitive people.

If my nervous system is signaling a threat, how am I supposed to ignore that?!

Imagine tuning a guitar; as you turn the knob, you create a higher pitch. The string becomes tighter and the notes higher.

I think this is the perfect metaphor for sensitivity, and one I discovered in college after reading the work of a troubled 1800s poet, Charles Baudelaire. He said, “My nerves are strung to such a pitch that they no longer give anything but piercing and painful vibrations.”

The tough truth is that those with highly attuned nervous systems must master emotion… or suffer. Mastering emotional fluency is an extremely fulfilling journey because you get to experience the full spectrum of human emotion. Whereas many people are just going through the motions, you feel everything, which gives you a unique power and ability to handle anything.

This was my week, how was yours?  Let me know in the comments below.




Reading this novel by Sue Seabury. I have had the honor of giving feedback to this author in the past and I love seeing familiar authors publish their work.

I came across Alexandro Chen's work three years ago.  This indie author is great! I'd call his work similar to Haruki Murakami's.  He's also Japanese and makes use of surrealism in his writing.I would read almost any novel with surrealism.

In this book My (Almost) Life as a Hikikomori shares glints of our contemporary lives, as well as the old dilemma of death.


  1. I love Josh! He's hilarious. Have a great week.

    1. Great stand up for sure and You will be amazed at how many people were at the show. The line was down the hallway filing through Mall of America.

  2. I'm going to go look for that Sue Seabuy book on Kindle.

  3. Haruki Murakami is a fantastic writer. It is good to know there are others who are similar out there.

    Glad you had a good week. Good luck with the root canal.

  4. The Josh Blue show sounds great. Enjoy your books and have a great week!

    1. Yes, Josh was great. Some very memorable moments including the use of his right hand watch, and some ancedotes about fatherhood.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing some of your week - and your reading. I hope this coming week is rich and exciting for you.
    Sigh at the dentist trips. A necessary evil.

    1. Dentist trips are definitely memorable. It's one of those things you can't avoid.

  6. You had me taking a double take at the Josh Blue Gif there because that's my son in laws name. lol For a second I was like, uhm wait just a minute. LOL

    1. Ha ha, what a neat coincidence. I love the fact that so many stories came out that evening of watching the show. There is awesome about going to stand-up with friends, that evokes this closeness and sharing of personal stories.

