
Thursday, October 6, 2022

Sunday Post



The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme



This week I went to Costco and picked up a pie for Thanksgiving.  I love Costco for specific items like cheesecake and summer clothes and odds and ends you can get for your house. 

  It was great talking to my ride-share clients about positive experiences they are drawing in.  One of my clients works as a substitute teacher, and we exchanged stories.I worked as a sub in 2009-2011 in Saint Paul.  He remembered having me as a ride-share driver a while back and how I liked to talk about potholes.  He had an east coast accent which was memorable.

I bought my son this big hamburger plushy from Costco and he took a picture and saved it to his iPad.

Lots of turkeys and snow in MN

This was my week, how was yours?  Let me know in the comments below. 


On the Blog


​Always Only You by Chloe Liese is an opposites-attract, forbidden love sports romance about a nerdy, late-blooming hockey star, and his tough cookie coworker who keeps both her soft side and her autism diagnosis to herself. Complete with a meddling secretary, tantric yoga torture, and a scorching slow burn, this standalone is the second in a series of novels about a Swedish-American family of five brothers, two sisters, and their wild adventures as they each find happily ever after.

Gary Zukav, one of the pioneer members of the New Age Movement in psychology.  He has built upon the contents of his first book The Dancing Wu Li Masters to show how we create our own reality through action and thought. 
I'm loving Laura Berman's work. She gives advice for those seeking love.
If someone tells her that they really want that person in the coffee shop. She says, "Now wait, I challenge you by asking what are the emotions you are seeking when you see that person?"  (love, safety, security, cherishing?)  And then she says "When you walk in that coffee shop, bring that emotion, and if they are a match for you, they'll come straight for you." 
Listen to Laura Berman give a talk at below link

This week I also participated in a Community(improv) Jam online, and I loved it because we played a game that had each person go back and forth listing words based on a category and I slammed that competition.  Watch it here.


  1. That hamburger pillow is adorable. And someone better tell those turkeys to hide!

  2. Hi, Trin!

    Thanks for dropping by Shady's Place again this week, my friend!

    I like the meme you posted. I agree that we need to be responsible for our own "gardens." We need to act as gatekeepers, tending and nurturing our gardens, giving them plenty of nourishment and keeping them free of weeds. I would love to have that hamburger plushy thingy. We have a Costco membership, so I'll BOLO for it. That's an amazing picture of wild turkeys gathered on a snowy sidewalk and lawn. I never saw anything like it. The Community(improv) Jam you mentioned sounds like fun. I'll look into it.

    Have a terrific week, friend Trin!

  3. Everyone seems to have their own way to shop at Costco. I find quite a few food products that I like, though many packages are far to large for our 2-person household. I joke that I need to buy a freezer at Costco so I can store all the huge packages they sell. But that would be ridiculous! They do have huge pies! I hope you have a good crowd to enjoy the one you bought.

    best… mae at

  4. We use Costco's pharmacy, so we are always there. I never just walk out with our prescriptions, though. I love the hamburger plushy. Hope you have a great week!

  5. Your week looks and sounds good. I find Costco overwhelming and rarely go there. My partner loves it though.

