
Saturday, November 5, 2022

Sunday blog post

The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme



I took my son trick-or-treating. A friend of ours had the idea to get candy in a ritzy area because if you go from home-to-home in some areas of Saint Paul a lot of the homes do not have lights on. it’s a lot different than when I was a kid.

My son and his friends

This week I went to a David Sedaris book event. He put out this book Happy-Go-Lucky this summer(review on my blog). 

Sedaris is so down to earth and authentic. He came on stage wearing BIG baggy pants that reminded me of Indian Shalwar Kamis and these bowling looking shoes. When I think of him, he makes me think anything is possible and as an artist there are not limits. David will be at several cities and countries. Find his tour dates here for a city near you.

Neighbor Halloween 🎃 decorations

The weather in Minnesota has been rainy and I bought an extra long snow scraper for winter.

On Friday I participated in the stage match (improv) at Strike Theater in Minneapolis . My friend showed up and brought me a belated birthday gift with a few pampering products.

Strike theater stage match

I’ve been taking audio improv classes with a company called the Improv college (from Montreal) and we record our shows on YouTube twice monthly. Listen here




This week I went to 10,000 Laughs.  This is a comic-centered, artist-run stand u


  1. Your son looks so cute as Batman. The David Sedaris book event looks wonderful. I'm glad you had a chance to go. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks. This week was a busy one for sure and I'm so glad my son was able to enjoy it as well.

  2. My brother lives in a fancy neighborhood, so it is insane to see the kids trick or treating there. He even has a golf cart like so many in the neighborhood do and last year we rode around it while the kids walked door to door. lol I had a friend who got to go to a David Sedaris event and he always talks about it! Have a great week and thanks for stopping by my Sunday post at Lisa Loves Literature!

    1. I love the fact that your brother has a golf cart that helps the kids trick o treat. I seen a few trunk o treat advertisements as well but didn't have a chance to explore those options.

  3. Your son looks like he is having a great time.

    I'd love to see David Sedaris at a book event. Funny guy!

    1. Yes, my son is great fun. Keeps me busy for sure.

