Saturday, October 22, 2022

Sunday post


 The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme



This week I drove for ride-share and took a ton of people to the airport ,some of which were complaining about the cost of flights as the time passes. 

Downtown Mpls Murals

My son made his first phone call to a friend this year(he’s six).  He also making plans to go to a pumpkin patch with a friend today. 

Chicken Tandoori from Masala Restuarant

This week I also did some improv for a zombie Podcast. we are still in the planning stages of deciding what kind of audio equipment we should use and breaking up the scenes for each section of the podcast.

This was my week, how was yours?  Let me know in the comments below.




Magnolia Parks.  Lots of fun stuff in this novel. I'd describe it as a Billionaire novel series meets Korean K-pop drama because the little love triangles in this novel are very similar but maybe more intense. (And it's set in the UK) There's rhythm and snappy dialogue in Jessa Hastings writing that made me understand why this novel has at least 5,000 reads on GoodReads.

I loved the concept in this romance novel. The characters travel in their dreams.  I kind of thought it could be expanded upon or even work better as a fantasy novel but I heard that time travelling novels are the hardest to write overall and writers should avoid it if possible.

This book by Elizabeth O'Roark was recommended by Youtuber: Peace, Love Books and It was described as one of her books she was obsessed with.  This book is outstanding!. Olivia's character had such a tone and rebellious attitude. I don't want to spoil it for you but she is a runner with a flaw.  This novel literally got me excited about Exercising again.  The energy between the characters in this dual narrative novel was phenomenal.  


  1. My book club decided to read Brene Brown next year. We can choose any book. What to pick? What to pick?

    Have fun with your zombie podcast!

  2. I hope your son has a great time at the pumpkin patch, I have so many fun memories of going there with my boys and their friends.

    1. Pumpkin patches are great. Glad we made it to a mother-s0n event this october.

  3. Hi, Trin!

    Thank you for visiting Shady's Place Music & Memories today! As I mentioned in my reply to your comment, my background is similar to yours in certain ways, specifically my work with actors, comedians, models and other types of entertainers.

    Halloween season is in full swing at Shady's Place...

    ...and the fun continues in my next post coming up on Tuesday. I love to visit pumpkin patches and gaze at the sea of orange. Take care, Trin and come see me again soon!

    1. Thanks for the great feedback. My biggest discovery while social networking is that Comedians know a ton of people. My friend Mark Knutson is a comedian and through him I've met so many many people!

  4. The telephone is completely essential to kids! Your son will probably want his own iPhone before you know it!

    best… mae at

    1. Oh man, I hope I postpone the whole iPhone thing as long as possible. iPads are bad enough(wink)

  5. Your week sounds good. I love the murals. And thank you for the books as well. I am always looking for more books to devour.

    1. I'll let you know all the best book recs, thanks for stopping by

  6. Your son's first phone call to a friend! How cute! I remember when my little neighbor girl would call me (on behalf of her mom) to see if I wanted to go to Target with them. One time I said "Yes, can I throw some clothes on first?" She said "Yes...and brush your teeth, too." Ack I love little kids. lol

    1. Yes, I learned that with young kids on the phone, you have to help get the conversation going.

  7. I haven't been on a plane in 25 years. I don't like how they treat people so I refuse to ever fly again.

    1. Flying in an aluminum tube across the sky is quite an adventure!

  8. Thanks Yvonne, it's quite a week and the month of October is quite adventureous for me:)




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