
Saturday, September 10, 2022

Sunday Post


The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme



I was in Philly and New York since Wednesday.  I had a great time Camp Utopia in the Poconos.  I spent a lot of time doing improv and meeting new friends. We had a tight schedule that looked something like this:

7:00-8:00a - Yoga (Boathouse)
8:00-9:00a - Breakfast**
8:45-9:10a - Camp Warm-up
9:15-11:55a - Session 1
12:00-1:00p - Lunch**
1:00-5:00p - Free Time / Camp Activities*
1:15-2:30p - The Great Cabin Camaraderie Experience (Beach)
1:30-3:30p - Cacky's Court (Fieldhouse)
1:30-4:30p - Arts & Crafts (LVC Mountain View)
2:45-3:45p - Break Out Session: Intro to Hip Hop Improv with Sarah Cornacoff (Boathouse)

4:00-5:00p - Tiny Jams (New Pavilion)
5:00-6:00p - Dinner**
6:05-8:45p - Session 2
9:00-10:30p - Tiny Improv Festival (New Pavilion)
10:30p - Cabin Quiet Time | Free time | Campfire S'mores | Camp Bar**** (Boat House)

 I went Kayaking on Trout Lake. My friend wanted me to drive the rental from Philly to Stroudsburg since I have so much Uber  experience. Once the camp was over on Monday, I took a Martz bus into New York and what an adventure! I went straight to a comedy club for an improv workshop.  I then went to pick up my Turo Car so I could drive to an Airbnb. 

I have a pretty good idea why New Yorkers are so busy, the subway experience alone was enough to wrack my brains for days.  Luckily I was able to take the Turo car straight to the Airport and head back to Minneapolis by Wednesday.

Readers please comment below




Anne of Green Gables. I read all of the Green Gables books in Middle School when I was in the hospital for a broken leg for nine weeks and watching the series on Netflix this week was a nice way to get back in my routines after my travels.


  1. I love NY, sounds like you had a great adventure.

    1. NY was so great! I loved that the Martz bus drove us straight in because its like $16 toll just to get into NY!

  2. It looks like you had a wonderful time doing improv!

    I should look for the Anne of Green Gables series.

    1. Green Gables made me think so much about what it would have been like to live during that time, even to mail something was a chore, and to have milk or get a dress, but I guess that's all people knew so it was unpleasant at all.

  3. I wouldn't have thought the big city with phase you at all! LOL!! I loved Anne with an E and actually still need to finish watching the series.

    Have a good week ahead!

    Elza Reads

    1. Thanks Elza, yeah I was surprised that its been like a decade or more since my first trip to NY and the strangest things will surprise you about travelling. But as long as you prepare you can do anything.

  4. I only read one or two of the books when I was a kid, but maybe I should watch the TV series. Your trip sounds hectic!

    best... mae at

