
Saturday, June 11, 2022

Sunday Post




I ended up looking at a few more cars this week. I'm still undecided about what car to buy. I did improv in-person and that was fun. And I took my son to Lake Nokomis to swim.  Mostly he sat in the inner tube while I pulled him around the shallow end of the beach.

And now another ride-share story

“This big guy is dog-aggressive,” said my ride-share client (whose dog is a Burmese-poodle mix).

“How do you mean?” I asked.

“He only barks when he’s around other dogs 😠 and that’s why he’s got a muzzle. I’m taking him to the groomer.”

“He’s a Covid dog he wasn’t trained during the pandemic, and I was given to him by two past owners who were police officers.”

“They really need to do background checks on dogs because it’s like handing the owner a loaded gun.”

A picture of a dog similar to the one in story

“Do you ever get complaints from muzzle naysayers?” I asked.

“Well, if I do, I just tell them that they should hold the leash.”

“Yeah, he dragged me 30 feet on my stomach, but if I gave him back they’d just tell me to put him in the shelter 😨 and I’m not going to do that.

(an idea about this week’s celebrity ride-share flashed through my mind)

“Have you ever met anyone famous or have your friends ever gone out with anyone famous)

“Funny you should ask, because I was at First Avenue (Minneapolis) one time and the our friends went out to eat afterwards and this group of guys came over to our table and had a few drinks with us and then offered their limo for us to get home safely.

“Later in the week, I was at the Best Buy watching TV( back when they used to have their TV’s stacked together in the 90's), and I recognized the guys in the music video from the bar. They were the Jetts!”

“That’s so awesome,” I said.

My son graduated kindergarten

 Fun comedy sketches my Oozebear troupe put together (link below)

Readers please comment below



I started reading this book from Ari Meisel and love it! It gives a lot of strategies on how to manage your time, and take care of simple errands in a more simplistic way that can build in your routines.


  1. A trip to a lake sounds pretty enticing right about now, the heat has finally hit. Congratulations on your son's kindergarten graduation, what a fun time.

  2. Congratulations on your son’s kindergarten graduation! Such a milestone. I love your ride-share stories! Have a wonderful week ahead!

    1. Thanks, its quite the milestone and I'm loving every bit of being in this kid's life!

  3. Congrats to your son! I'm glad the man is attempting to train the dog rather than dumping it back at a shelter. Too many people get dogs without realizing how much work they are.

  4. Congrats to your son! It's always good to take your time when choosing a new car. It's a big purchase. I'm sure you'll find the right one for you. Have a great week!

  5. I love that one child is hiding under the graduation "stage". I hope you enjoyed the in-person improv, did it feel very different to what you've gotten used to during Covid? Your car-share stories are so cool - thank you for sharing them.

    1. Yes. The pandemic has changed the looks of graduation. I wonder if some people are still doing drive by celebrations at far as Birthdays and such.

  6. Ah kindergarten graduation is so exciting! I think that guy is a great person for taking care of that dog and not just turning him over. And that would be cool to meet the Jetts! I loved them back in the 80s. Have a great week!

  7. Yay for graduating kindergarten and going to the lake.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  8. Congratulations to your son for graduating from kindergarten. I bet you had fun at the in-person improv.

    1. In-person improv is a blast. I hope to do a whole lot more.

