
Sunday, April 24, 2022

Sunday post #amwriting



The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme


Here’s a traumatic story a client shared with me that happened near the Excel Energy Center:

“I was going to take a turn on 7th and noticed a cop directing traffic,” he said, “And a woman was speeding down the street and hits the cop and he flies over the windshield and lands on the ground. The cop must have gotten up, quick as hell and pulled the woman out of her car.”

My son at the zoo recently

“What the nerve!” exclaimed the passenger next to him. “I’m surprised he didn’t do something worse.

“I guess the woman had no idea what was going on, she didn’t speak any English,” said the passenger.

(I shook my head slightly when he said this)


Naval ship from my trip to Tampa

I told my client that I had witnessed a fight between an older man and an Amazon worker. The two were arguing in the middle of the street and the Amazon worker was the one backing away fast.

“Yeah, because he’s just trying to do his job,” said my client.

“Have you ever had to call the cops on someone?” I asked randomly.

“Funny that you should ask that,” he said, “because right before you picked me up I had called the cops because there was a stranger in the lobby of our apartment building. They keep the lobby unlocked and a lot of the homeless come in to seek solace or sanctuary from the cold. But it can be quite dangerous for the tenants.”

“That reminds of this story I heard during improv,” I said.

“Wait, you do improv?” he asked.

“Oh yeah!” I said.

“That’s awesome!” he said.

“Anyway…we were going around the group and asking everyone to tell us a story that caused them fear.”

(I learned that this is a great ice breaker)

“This woman was telling everyone a story about how a guy tried to come in her building and said he had a gun, and the woman thrust both her hands out and pushed him, and then slammed the door in his face, and locked it.”

“I thought that was such a great reaction. And then I told everyone my fear story. It was raining, and go outside and walk towards the dumpsters near my abandoned car (the car wasn't running anymore) 

I notice all my items from my car strewn across the boulevard, and notice people sitting in my car with the windows fogged up. I make eye contact with the driver and the two people in the back seat get out and start running in opposite directions. The guy in the driver’s seat gets out and says:

“Madame, are you going to call the police?" (In a french accent)

(my heart is pounding)

“No,” I say, but I’m going to need you to pick up all those items and put them back in the car." Then the guy proceeds to pick up all the items.

“Wow!” said my ride-share client. “If I were you, I would have duct tape the car doors while the clients were asleep and then called the police, and turned on the voice activation system in French that said, ‘You are under arrest!’”

“That’s quite the imagination!” I declared.

“Good luck on your improv,” my client said when I arrived at his stop. “And Maybe one day I’ll see you on the tube, or in an SNL sketch.”

I smile.

***some people ask me how the strangers got in my car and I tell them how the doors were unlocked.  I know....How stupid is that.

Upcoming shows

Come see two of Shakespeare’s most beloved characters, Beatrice and Benedick,
as they navigate all of the trappings of wit and love!

Suzanne Victoria Cross, Philip D Henry, William Edson, Nicole Laurenne, Tyler Stamm, Lana Rosario, Molly Glover,

Audrey Parry, Caleb Cabiness, Eliana Meyerowitz, Kelvin Hatle, Gillian Constable, Jason Kruger, Michael Bloom, Eric
Thompson, Phillip Schramm, Mackenzie Diggins, Bryce Kalal

Readers please comment below



Loving this book and how it discusses chance in the universe and how things happen even when we come prepared(although I think being prepared is best.
Excerpt from book "I remember, as a teenager, watching the yellow flame of the Sabbath candles dancing randomly above the white paraffin cylinders that fueled them. I was too young to think candlelight romantic, but still I found it magical-because of the flickering images created by the fire. They shifted and morphed, grew and waned, all without apparent cause or plan. Surely, I believed, there must be rhyme and reason underlying the flame, some pattern that scientists could predict and explain with their mathematical equations. "Life isn't like that," my father told me. "Sometimes things happen that cannot be foreseen." He told me of the time when, in Buchenwald, the Nazi concentration camp in which he was imprisoned and starving, he stole a loaf of bread from the bakery. The baker had the Gestapo gather everyone who might have committed the crime and line the suspects up. "Who stole the bread?" the baker asked. When no one answered, he told the guards to shoot the suspects one by one until either they were all dead or someone confessed. My father stepped forward to spare the others. He did not try to paint himself in a heroic light but told me that he did it because he expected to be shot either way. Instead of having him killed, though, the baker gave my father a plum job, as his assistant. "A chance event," my father said. "It had nothing to do with you, but had it happened differently, you would never have been born."

My friend, Mark Knutson, doing comedy (the image explains why we need to make ADA accessible ramps)


  1. You have the most interesting conversations in that car, and great material for improv, too.

  2. I love the Como Zoo. We went there quite a bit with my daughter when she was young.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. Those are some interesting conversations. I'm not sure that I would have been brave enough to approach the people in the car.

    I love the Como Zoo! I hope to get there again soon.

  4. Mathematical studies of seemingly random events sometimes are very insightful, I wonder if that book is based on math chaos theory.

    best... mae at

  5. Hi Trin! Sometimes reality are stranger than fiction indeed!

  6. You always have such great stories to share, they always make me glad I visited. Your son looks like he had a great time at the zoo. Have a good week!

  7. I've only called the cops a few times but I've seen them around here a lot.

  8. I hope you are collecting a lot of material from the riders in your car!

    The book about random events sounds very intriguing.

