
Saturday, March 19, 2022

Sunday Post





Happy St. Paddy's day everyone! 

This week I've been watching the show about nothing: "Seinfeld" when I came across the episode where Elaine dates the close talker, Judge Reinhold, I thought I'd include the giphy of Reinhold (above).  

I also thought I'd share some more fun ride-share stories I've heard.

Ten Thousand Villages in a cold remote city

Ten thousand villages is a store in St Paul that sells hand crafts made in Third World countries. The business calculates a decent wage for people in foreign in countries and then the employees make the goods and send them to America.

“ we’ve been working with multi-generational families so we know how the businesses are running in other countries and it’s great to see each family growing up and going to school and so forth” said an employee.

This was a huge contrast from another conversation that I had with someone who had connections to families overseas. The client had this to say about their sister:

We can’t send my money for my sister to school in El Salvador because the gangsters would think that she is rich and will try to rob her so she just goes to high school for now.”

That's my week. Tell me about yours in the comments below.



I picked this one up.  I think I saw it as a popular read somewhere and I love NY settings. Initially, I loved the plot that has to do with a woman getting her skirt caught in the subway and a guy helping her out and the two landing on public tv. But then there were so many side plots happening in the book and I couldn't focus on the relationship between the characters.


  1. It's a shame the book wasn't better for you, I hope the next one is better! I love seeing your photos, even my local cities (Nottingham, Derby and Sheffield) don't have many tall buildings. I also enjoy reading your little conversation snippets, they remind me of just how different life is for us all.

    1. Yes, I love this quote about how we are all living the same lives, some of us are just on the other side of the equator.

  2. Love the gif at the top, Whose Line is it Anyway? is one of my favorite shows! Sorry that book didn't work out for you, hope you get into a better one this week!

  3. What a great store. Nice to be able to find crafted good from other places.

  4. I was looking at getting In A New York Minute because I love New York settings. It sounds kind of cute. I'm sorry it was a disappointment, though. I hope your next book will be better.

    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I'll pick up some more books with NY settings and see how they compare soon and let you know.

