
Saturday, December 25, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting




Happy Holidays. Today's post will link up to The Sunday Salon and The Sunday Post

This week I spent a lot time with the family making cookies, including peanut butter bars and a "Better than Robert Redford" cake. We also watched the James Webb telescope launch into space.

And we talked about the neuralinka device that will be surgically implanted into your brain to communicate with machines and even control them. Originally it was proposed to help with spinal issues but it may have the potential to do much more. Its nice having a brother who is a computer programmer.  He's fascinated with astronomy, (not astrology lol)
My nephew Nathan in his Holiday Sweater

 from The Nutcracker Fantasy I went to this week

I saw six of these MSP trucks  outside, I'm assuming the block had Heating issues and it's been cold in Minnesota

Readers please comment below

I liked this Holiday Book.  I've read most Jane Green's books and there was something very intriguing about the heroine's misconceptions about her first love during the holidays when she brings him home to her family.


  1. We spent a lot of time baking too. And now I want to know what Better than Robert Redford Cake is.

  2. I'm not sure if I'm ready for a neuralink. It sounds fascinating, though.

    And I'm glad you enjoyed the Jane Green novel.

  3. I haven't read Jane Green in a long time. This one looks good. Have a great week.

  4. I'm spreading out the baking over a couple weeks. The two of us can't eat all that at once anyway. Peanut butter bars sound yummy. Happy New Year!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  5. Interesting on the neuralink, it would be wonderful if it would allow people who are paralyzed to walk. I've seen the Nutcracker a few times and it's always amazing to me what those ballerinas can do. Have a great week!

  6. I love Better Than Robert Redford cake ! It has been years since I made it though.

    Happy New Year!

  7. Looks like you had a great Christmas. I really like the blurb for Neon Gods - I shall look forward to reading your review of it. Have a great New Year!

  8. Sounds like you had a nice Christmas with your family. I hope the rest of the holiday season is just as lovely for you. Happy New Year!

