
Saturday, November 6, 2021

Sunday Post



           LOOKING FORWARD TO November

Little Women will be showing at Artistry
This week I worked on my screenwriting.  I have a script in progress but it needs a lot of formatting. Luckily, there's a group

 on discord, that helps you understand how this is done; including spacing the margins, and dialog, and things like cut-to's and narration.  I read a few people's film scripts and gave some feedback. 
I also drove a few people to the airport. I had a somewhat freaky thing happen where a stranger got in my car while I wasn't on duty.  I was able to get him out though. I also picked up an author who wrote a book based on Amelia Earhart, and did his research by going on a dig for her body with archaeologists in Fiji.

Photos from my week

My son Zulfi and his drawing

Last night I went to see "Top Girls" at Crane Theatre

upcoming shows

Artistry Theater in Minnesota presents the musical adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s beloved book, Little Women The Broadway Musical. This captivating and timeless coming-of-age story about family, friendship, heartache, hope and everlasting love is further enhanced by songs you’ll not soon forget. The March sisters take us on their journey, each forging their own path during an ever-changing time in American history. We invite you and yours to join us as we start the holiday season at Artistry.Dates Nov 11-28th


I loved Stanley Tucci in "The Devil Wears Prada" and it makes sense that he's talking about food in this memoir( after his debut in "Julia, Julia" with Meryl Streep).


  1. A stranger getting into my car would totally freak me out. Good fodder for improv though.

    1. Yes, definitely good fodder for improv. I tend to do a lot of UBER scenes and it gets a laugh.

  2. Someone got in your car while you weren't on duty? Did the person just think they had the right car or something? I always kept my windows up and doors locked when I had a car.

    1. It was crazy, cause the guy knocked on the window and I thought he saw me in the drivers seat but he proceeded to get in the passenger front seat, until I screamed and he ran off.

  3. That's pretty scary that a stranger got into your car when you weren't on duty. I'm glad you were able to get them out.

    Stanley Tucci has a show on CNN about food in Italy. I've been wanting to watch it. The book looks good.

    Have a great week!

    1. Wow Tucci is doing a lot. I'll have to look at that special in Italy. In his memoir, he talks a lot about his love for italian food, so Italy makes sense.

  4. I do so miss all the wonderful theater I saw in the Twin Cities!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  5. It's been so long since I've been to the theatre, I hope you had a great time at Top Girls. Hopefully you won't have any unexpected passengers again - that must have been stressful.

  6. Taste is a fun read. Stanley Tucci writes just like he talks.

    How would you get rid of a passenger you didn't want? Scary!

    1. Yes, I guess you screen and say:What are you doing in a very stern way.

  7. Tucci’s memoir is popular right now

    Wishing you a great reading week

