
Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy




This week I attended HUGE Theater's improvathon: 24 hours of non-stop improv. I was there for four hours in two days.
It was great to see people I haven't seen in a while. I mistook a few for someone else because of the their mask.  I also kept busy house cleaning and getting rid of stuff in closets.  I've tried the KonMarie method in the past:
  • Commit yourself to tidying up.
  • Imagine your ideal lifestyle.
  • Finish discarding first. Before getting rid of items, sincerely thank each item for serving its purpose.
  • Tidy by category, not location.
  • Follow the right order.
  • Ask yourself it it sparks joy.
  1. (Usually I get to about three of these stages. Imagining my ideal lifestyle is a challenge)
  2. Either way, it's been a good week and I got a ton of reading done this week.



  1. You had a great week. A 24-hour nonstop improv sounds like a lot of fun. Plus you did a big cleaning. And books!

    1. Yup. The improv was a definite highlight. During the show one attendee even brought their big st bernard.(almost like a mascot)

  2. That's great you got some cleaning done. I've tried to do that as I packed and unpacked the kitchen. I am finally reading a few holiday theme books too.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. KonMarie helped me get my closet under control a few years ago, but that was as far as I got. I enjoyed Hilderbrand's Winter series... hope you do, too.

    1. Yes, it takes great effort to get your place cleaned unless you can afford a cleaning person (not lady)

  4. I had to Google to see what is meant by category and "right order". Makes sense. When you get to the sentimental items, a woman I follow on social media makes a point of photographing sentimental items before getting rid of them. Then she can still SEE the item after it's gone. And for stuff like china where she doesn't need or want 12 place settings of china but she really loves the china she'll keep ONE place setting and get rid of the other 11. That's probably what I'll do with my Mom's after she is gone. Keep one or two place settings.

    1. Yes, that's a great idea. Some things that I find hard to get rid of include items my mother had left me and journals and photographs.

  5. My decluttering method tends to be along the lines of "did I even remember I owned this?", "have I used/seen/needed this in the last 6 - 12 months?" and "is this valuable in some way?" if the answer is no then it can be thrown away/recycled/donated as appropriate. Doing that isn't going to give me my ideal lifestyle - that would need me to win a few million or more on the lottery that I don't even play 😂. Have a good week.

    1. You know Louise, I found a lot of items from when I used to live with my sister and it was easy to get rid of those items because I had not seen or used them in years. I like this idea of whenever you bring a bag into your home, you should toss a bag out at the same time.

  6. I cleaned out some closets to make room for my daughter's stuff.
    I often don't recognize people when they are wearing a mask.

  7. I love Elin Hilderbrand's books. This one looks really good too. Have a great week!

  8. Sounds like you had a good week! I am always amazed at people who can do improv. I am often in the mood to declutter at this time of the year. I think being inside more causes me to want to clear out.

    Have a good Thanksgiving!

  9. Hi Trin! I might have to look into some of your advice this December season.

    I actually had Winter Street on my list for Ho-Ho-Ho, but didn't have a copy and didn't want to buy one at the moment. Maybe as December creeps nearer and I run out of reading material!

    Hope your week is good so far!

    Elza Reads

    1. Yes, Hilderbrand is definitely on the top of my list for great authors (along with kinsella)

