
Saturday, October 9, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy



           LOOKING FORWARD TO October

This week was my birthday  Lots of people joined me in the celebration on social media.  I also had my favorite food sweet and sour chicken and sushi.  The birthday continues with a get together at my sister's house today and more declarations of my birth year on ZOOM improv.
(I'm a bit of a show off, can you tell?)
  This week I did a Spontaneous event with writers and actors,

and wrote a fantastic little piece which is featured below.  My sister also returned home from Greece and there's some pictures below. She had been inspired by my blog and started writing her own blog about her travels.
  She also came back with a fantastic Olive tree tattoo as a reminder to stay humble. 

Pictures from my sis' trip to Greece

My sister Deborah in Greece

The Haunted Mall by Trin Carl

Last year the Haunted Basement was held in a basement and this year, it’s in Roseville’s Mall.

In the center is a glass art studio where there are kilns and students holding torches to make glass blowing art. And as you're walking around, students are hanging onto torches.

I get really giggly whenever I go through haunted houses. I don’t know if it’s a coping mechanism or what, but I end up bracing myself for each new room and saying something like: Is anyone in here? Or I’m coming in. Although, I don't really know what kind of coping mechanism that is because if anything it’s just letting the monster know that there’s fresh meat like a zombie smelling fresh blood. Usually the actor just drops everything they’re doing to come and find me and I’m fine with that- I’m practically begging for attention. I actually lost my voice the last time I been to one of these.

Goodness golly, gee bolly, I can’t wait.  They just told everyone to take out their wallet and weapons.  Who brings weapons?  Oh yeah, school shootings and all that But wait, this ain’t Texas, not everyone carries guns! Damn!

Let’s see what’s in my pockets?  A pack of gum and my lighter.  And wait, a thong! Shit i forgot about that.  Here, I’ll just add it to my costume.  I’ll put it on my head.Okay, now they want everyone to sign a waiver.

#1 Actors can touch you.

#2 You CAN NOT touch the actors. 

Yeah, I wasn’t thinking of doing that.  They're all just a bunch of improvisers anyway.  

Okay, hmm, hmm. 

One more rule.

It says The safe word is STOP.  Okay yeah, I could have guessed that.

Alright, now they're having everyone go in ..  Jeesh, I’m more nervous than I thought.  Let me check my breath.  (Breathes out) Okay, yeah, I’m good. Wait, I’m about to meet zombies and monsters, trolls, and witches, and wicked demons. I’m not going on a date! Why am I testing my breath.  That does remind me of the last time I checked my breath.  Fifteen minutes ago.  The breathalyzer in my car requires me to check it whenever I drive anywhere.  Why am I thinking about that?  


Alright, they’re having people walk in.  Geez, it's dark here.  Over here the guide said.  Or wait, was it over here?  Oh fuck! d^&$.  Was that someone’s head?    I’m so sorry.  Oh my gosh.  

Someone said.  It’s Freddy!  Then someone said: Hello Clarice.  (Silence of the Lambs), 

Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary.  Oh geez, is that a mirror?  I’m not supposed to say that, am I?

Oh for f%^$'s sake, let me take this thong off my head. 
Oh You want this, You say?  Somebody behind me is pulling my pants.  

Oh damn! 

What’s that safe word again?

Oh yeah, STOP!!!!!!

Readers, please comment below.


Motivational speaker, Aaron Doughty had a talk about this book and  it sounds fantastic.  It talks a lot about how to get dopamine by the things you're interested in but not letting dopamine use you. He gives the example of Michael Jordon and how he loved what he did.  It gave him a great high but he didn't allow it to consume him.


  1. Happy Birthday. Hope you continue to have a fun celebration.

    1. It was a great week so far, and I'm glad to stay humble and be at peace if it means I can grow older. Hope you had a good week as well.

  2. Happy birthday Trin!! Glad you enjoyed it so much.

    Fun piece of writing you have here. Yea for October and scary season!

    1. Thanks. I love October and love me some scares.

  3. Happy birthday - spread it out for as long as you possibly can. Love the story - you packed so much detail into it! Have a great week and happy reading.

    1. Thanks Louise, I got a lot of imaginary cakes from the improv folks and that was great as well.

  4. I'd love to go to Greece someday. I love October for the cooler temps and fall colors. Happy birthday!!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  5. I bet your sister had a fantastic time. How cool it is that you motivated her to start her own blog.

    I like the idea of allowing your enthusiasm to guide your actions.

    1. Thanks. Yeah, I walk to the sound of my own drum...he he.

  6. Happy Birthday! Glad to hear it sounds like you've had fun celebrating. :)

  7. Happy birthday!

    And that's why I don't do haunted houses anymore. lol

    1. lol Mary. I've had some interesting experiences at Haunted Houses but this particular Haunted House in Roseville was more than inspirational.

  8. Hope you had a lovely birthday! The haunted house sounds crazy!

  9. Happy belated birthday, Carl :)

