
Saturday, October 2, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy


 The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

           LOOKING FORWARD TO October

This week I got to read my work on Shut up and Write in NY (on ZOOM).  I enjoy reading my work out loud and getting instant feedback and I'd highly recommend it.  
It's been a busy week. I went to the eye doctor to see about a deposit on my eye lid, which I may have removed by the opthamalogist.  I also went to The MOTH, an oral storytelling event and it was great to hear people talk about their life during the pandemic. There were a lot of nurse stories, and a very emotional story by a woman who was describing her breast cancer experience and living another year.

I also went to see Broadway's Disney classic Frozen, the musical at the Orpheum.  It was one of the biggest productions I have ever seen.  I'll be posting a review soon. Surprisingly, I didn't see anyone wearing Elsa or Ana wigs. 
I don't need the Ana wig due to my natural red hair.  I'm kind of a bit like Ana come to think of it (I never watched the movie) . We are both kinda fiery and funny.  I wouldn't mind seeing the musical again.




  1. Love the office! Dwight is my favorite character. Nice to hear you got out to see Frozen. I'd love to see that! Have a great week!

    1. yes, its great. Hopefully I'll watch the movie soon.

  2. Is something wrong with your eye lid?

    1. I got a cyst on my eyelid. I've been applying warm compress.

  3. I'll never forget going with a group of librarian friends to see The Moth in Houston several years ago. Who knew how glorious it was to hear regular people tell stories? I'd love to do that again.

    I am a huge fan of Book Lust. Years ago, I sent two copies of BL on long BookCrossing trips around the world. It was one of the most fun book-ish things I ever did.

    1. Oh cool, I'm so glad that you heard of both of those. I plan on going to the Moth next month. Should be a blast!

  4. I find reading my written words aloud helps me find mistakes or awkward phrases. I love musicals!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I like to use the read aloud text app so help me engage in other writer's work. it helps build motivation and resilience when reading the tough stuff.

