
Sunday, September 5, 2021

Sunday post #amwriting #amjoy



The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

           LOOKINg Forward to September

My son with be starting kindergarten next week, and he seems excited.  He keeps asking me, "Mom, will I be going to Ms. Penny's class next week?" He wants to know if he'll be attending the same school as he did last year.  Which he will be, and he excited about going to the playground.
Our writers group, (Shut up and Write )got ZOOM bombed and random people showed up and talked in slurs to get everyone's attention, and there was no way to kick people out because they kept coming back.
I also went to a cosmetic event in St Paul with a friend and that was

 oodles of fun. We sorted through a lot of eyeliner, lip gloss and eye shadow, etc.  I included some pics of the hotel below.
I picked up a ride share client from the clinic and the conversation went something like this:

Are you a doctor?

How did you guess?

The suit.

Yes, I decided to wear a tie today.

What area of medicine?


Good. You may see me at that clinic. I’m a regular.

Yes. The clinic has been getting overwhelmed lately, the doctor said.

Drury Hotel, cosmetic event
(Long silence as I get on the 🛣 highway)

I’m going to the state fair this weekend in Minnesota. My dad wants to buy a tractor.

Oh, he must have a lot of land.

No. Only two yards.

Oh, I’m surprised that you’d be willing to go to the fair.. what with people not being not being vaccinated and the chance of COVID.

Yes, but I’m not planning to be mouth to mouth 👄 with anyone.

What do you plan on seeing at the state fair? Goats and 🐔chickens?

I suppose. But I’ll steer clear of the horses. I have allergies, says the doctor.

(We roll up to his destination at the car repair shop)

There she is!(the doctor says) They left her out for me. He gets out of the car and I wish him luck 🍀 at the state fair.

He strides rather briskly to the entrance of the dealership’s auto repair center and it’s in the moment that I can picture him in his white 🥼 lab coat, in a hurry down a long corridor because he’s just received a message STAT to the OR.

Good-bye doctor

Pictures from my week



Me (red hair in the center) with Friday Delight Improv

Photo of Hotel (Cosmetic Event)

Readers please comment below



  1. I'd never heard of Zoom bombed, but it sounds incredibly annoying. You'd think people would have better things to do with their time.
    Good luck to your son in kindergarten. Hope he loves it.

    1. Yes, you would think people had better things to do, but it happens(shrugs)I'm excited for my son, he's growing up.

  2. I need a group like Shut Up and Write to actually get my novel done I think! lol. That sucks about being Zoom bombed though. :-( I hate that people have nothing better to do. Here's to a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Yes, Shut Up and Write has helped me keep consistent during the pandemic. Its nice to know you are not alone in writing. Writing is an isolated craft.

  3. I hope your son's school year gets off to a good start and he loves kindergarten. I am sorry about your writer's group being Zoom bombed. I'd heard of that happening but never experienced it. It must have been very frustrating. The cosmetic event sounds fun. I am glad you had a good time! Have aa great week!

    1. Thanks. I think my son will be a class clown one day. He's a real jokester.

  4. I am glad your son is excited about school.

    Your rideshare conversations sound interesting!

    Enjoy your week and your books, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. Awww. I"m glad that he's excited. I know that I was not excited on my first day, but that was also because it happened to fall on my birthday. So I was not happy to have to go to school for the first time on my special day. LoL

    1. Those first memories are so great! Hope you have a great week!

  6. How exciting for your son! So cute.

    Hope you have a great week!

  7. Starting school is a big thing. Hope it works out well.

  8. I didn't even know that people could do that on Zoom.
    The cosmetics event sounds fun.
    My grandson started 3rd grande last month and has already brought home a bad cold to all of us.

    1. Oh no, yeah I'm not looking forward to the cold and flu that comes along with school. Here's hoping..

  9. I hate hearing that people wrecked your Zoom session. We had heard about problems like that, so we put some protections in place, and, so far, we haven't had any troubles.

    I hope your son loves his new kindergarten class. My granddaughter is loving her class and her teacher.

    1. Yes thanks. We think it may happen happen only once in a balloon as nerdy writers may not be as interesting or maybe they are.

  10. 😲OMG,what a headache to have random people constantly popping in during a meeting, but I also would laughed at the absurdity of it.😅 Yay on the make-up goodies. Hope all is well and sending lots of hugs 🤗. RO

