Friday, November 5, 2021

Sunday Post



           LOOKING FORWARD TO july

This week I finally went sailing, and that was a blast.  I zoomed across Lake Harriet and waved to other sailors and took some fun pics.  There's moments where you feel like your boat is going to capsize because your tipped to one side but these boats have 300 pound weights at the bottom to stabilize you.

I also went to a few shows.  One was with a fortune teller who helps people learn their fortune through poems.  The poem I received was "Imagine." (very fitting) Another was an  immersive show. And here's what I love about immersive shows on ZOOM. The theater will send you an email or text to your phone with top secret details that you supposed to remember.  And then you open the ZOOM link, half knowing what to expect -and it turns out to be something completely different, like an escape room, or a show where your personal details are made into a joke. So its fun!

This week, I also drove a few people to the airport.  One was a power couple: a clergy therapist and a teaching coach-so that conversation got interesting.  I also drove a teacher and a guy who thinks to become a youth pastor.
Then I sat in on a discussion on ZOOM about anxiety and coping.  I got to throw in a few ideas of my own, and include links to YouTube videos that help on these topics like Leo from

(Me) sailing

Upcoming Shows 

Theater 29 Denver, Colorado will be opening their VIRTUAL show Communication Solutions:A story of Extravagant Love,  July 26
Immersive (Audience engagement show)
Experience an immersive story of upper-management intrigue, authoritarian coercion and corporate S&M that unravels via social media, email, and in virtual and visceral reality at Theater 29.
After receiving an official email from the Communications Solutions CEO, the real story will unfold as an anonymous entity releases a cavalcade of damning documents, clandestine voicemails, and alarming images, on Instagram, Facebook, and email, culminating with a top-secret image appearing in a subversive storefront window-reveal at Theater 29.



The Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan

"Reasons to Breath" by Rebecca Donovan-This is the first in the series and I'm liking it a lot. At first I thought it would be some kind of guilty pleasure and then I was blown away but some of the physical aggression by the parents in this book.  There were moments I wanted to scream at the main character "Run" and I couldn't believe what was going on.  I will definitely come back for more.


  1. I love sailing, glad you got a chance to get out there.

    1. Thanks Karen. Hope to do it again real soon and see where it goes from there.

  2. I am glad you get to enjoy good conversations while driving people.

    Enjoy your week and your books, and now I'm curious about Reason to Breathe. Here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Okay Laurel, I'll be sure to check back. And I'll include some more fun conversations next week:)

  3. Oh Reason to Breathe is so emotional!! You are right about wanting to scream "Run"! Great series!

    1. Yes, I'll have to research some similar series. Hope your week is great.

  4. I've only gotten to sail one time, and I got seasick, but it was still fun.

    It would be interesting to tell one's fortune with a poem!

    Have a great week.

    1. I can imagine that its easy to get seasick. This group of sailors has a lot of stories and I already made their day by having to tow the motor boat in because the guy realized he didn't have any gas.

  5. My daughter took some sailing classes when we lived on Lake Minnetonka. I crewed for a guy in Iowa during my college years. Sailing is fun. I like swimming too.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I'd like to help volunteer for this sailing group one day Anne. I was lucky to be able to do it, because a friend of mine introduced me.

  6. Sailing sounds like so much fun. Sounds like you had a busy and fun week. I hope this week is a good one too.

    1. Sailing was absolutely great and I'm surprised how similar it was to kayaking (another sport I love)

  7. Going out on a boat always sounds fun to me but I'm scared of deep water even though I can swim. lol

    1. Lol Mary, Yeah I wonder if people get to do boating at all in a place like where you're from-Nevada.

  8. Telling fortune through poetry sounds amazing! I'm pretty set with my tarot cards but I'm definitely intrigued by that :) The Silk Roads has been on my To Read list for quite some time so hopefully I will get to it this summer! Thanks for dropping by my blog and I hope you have a lovely week!

    1. I’m glad people still tarrot—I have such fun with that.

  9. I am sailing, I am sailing - please tell me you sang that song while sailing!

    Have a good week Trin and enjoy all the shows.

    1. Ha ha Elza, I'll sing it the first week of August when I go again. I did end up singing, "I'm singing in the rain" on FB because we got a downpour earlier this week.

  10. Poetry fortunes sounds really unique! Lovely pictures too.

    1. Thanks. The poetry group was great and the host was right in saying how the participants end up thinking about the poem even after the event is long over.

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks Suzanne. I hope people are more inspired to try it.

  12. Hope you get out on the water soon. And do check out the book. You will love it!




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