
Friday, June 25, 2021

Sunday Post and Miss Jenesqua



 Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelve, Reader Book Buzz  for weekly updates.


Bestselling African American, Miss Jenesequa is with me today. Her novels are known for their powerful, convincing storylines and of course filled with black love, drama and passion. If you’re eager and excited to read stories that are unique to any you’ve read before, then she’s your woman.  romance novelist.

What have you written?

In my lifetime so far I’ve written over thirty five books but in terms of the books that I have published independently, twenty nine. My most recent release is an urban romance novel called A Love That Melted A Capo’s Cold Heart. It’s actually one of my favorite novels that I’ve ever written, which is funny because when I first completed it, I actually hated it. Clearly I wasn’t in my right mind when I thought that, lol!

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

Most of my ambitions for my writing career I’ve actually already achieved. I’ve reached number one on the bestsellers lists for urban fiction and women’s fiction and surpassed the amount of monthly reads I wanted to achieve on KU. My ambitions today are quite personal but I’ll share one - I really do want to be able to set some of my readers in person, have a book tour where I can meet the people who love my work. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to do that because I absolutely love my readers.

What inspires you to write?

I get my inspiration for writing from many different sources. Firstly, music. Anyone who is a reader of mine knows that I absolutely love music. I actually started off writing songs when I was younger which was how I got into writing in the first place. Secondly, life. Life is my biggest inspiration because you can get so much from it. Thirdly, movies. I love going to the cinema and watching films. When the pandemic hit, I was gutted that I couldn’t go to the cinema like I regularly would. Netflix has been my saving grace though.

What is your favorite motivational phrase?

Carpe diem is my favorite motivational phrase is means ‘Seize the day’ in Latin. Seizing the day, especially during times like these is so important and it’s something I’m constantly reminding myself to do.

What drew you to write African American Romance and Urban Fiction novels?

I absolutely love writing about dangerous men. I don’t know what it is about them that I just find so intriguing, but I just do. African Americans have always interested me and I find it very easy to write about them. There’s so much to write about in these genres and I never find myself bored when writing them.


 If you have any questions or comments, write them below.


Upcoming Twin Cities shows

Friday Delight Improv theater --The writer of this blog in Bottom Right Corner


Conceived by Amy Draper

Music and Lyrics by Finn Anderson

Book by Stewart Melton

July 15 - 31, 2021

Elision Playhouse


  1. I think music is perfect for inspiration, I'll have to check out her books.

  2. I Trin! I've never heard of Miss Jenesequa, but your interview was lovely! Love your Zoom image.

    Have a good week ahead and stay safe!

    Elza Reads

  3. It's always wonderful to hear the reflections of a writer.

  4. I liked your interview. Always nice to meet a new author.

  5. Great interview. I loved the author's comments about where she draws inspiration from for her writing.

