
Saturday, July 31, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting




The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Review

           LOOKING FORWARD TO August

This week I watched the Olympics. I learned a lot about synchronized swimming.  There are five big rules including: swimmers cannot wear goggles because it's important for the Olympic judges to see full emotion. The swimmers cannot touch the bottom of pool or where jewelry or play music at the wrong time. And team means team: if a one of the swimmers stops swimming they are disqualified.

 Congrats to the women's gymnastics team for bringing home medals. And for Suni Lee becoming the first Hmong American Gold Medalist. I have a lot of Hmong friends from high school and they are all elated with this victory.  

We will be having our high school reunion soon. (graduated in '02.) Besides the Olympics, I spent some time with two close friends and went to a Mexican restaurant called Boca Chica I was going to try and watch the meteor showers but it rained on Thursday.

Lastly, I drove for UBER and took a few clients here and there.  One lived in downtown Minneapolis and we talked about the parking and fireworks. Another said he had been to 40 of the 50 states (He works as a chef) 

What's your favorite state? I asked.
What helps you get acclimated to a state?
I dunno.  I just meet one person and then they introduce me to another I guess. I'm going to meet my dog now, he said.  The woman I used to stay with in Alaska had my dog.  I been in living in Alaska two years ago, and when I was getting on a flight, Delta said they lost my dog's reservations and it was 4 am... and I needed to get on that flight so I had to leave the dog in Alaska. 

                                    Photos from my week

Horchata from Boca Chica

The studio where we record "Disability Landscape" (Our YouTube Channel)

My son, Zulfiqar, four years ago

Upcoming Shows

Twin Cities Fringe Festival

August 5-15, 2021. Producers from around the world will join us online and in-person during the 2021 
Minnesota Fringe Festival

Charlie and I talk with Joanna Schnedler of Minnesota Music Coalition and Stephen Letnes of Able Artist Foundation. We discuss the relationship between the two organizations and what they offer for musicians with disabilities.



This Time Next Year by Sophie Cousens

I liked this novel a lot.  The two main characters: Quinn and Minnie (cooper) share the same birthday on the same year. Guess what?!! their parents had them at the same hospital, and their parent's decide to switch names that they were going to give their babies.Oh darn!!! I would hate that to happen.  But it gets lovely when the female protagonist meets her baby stealing name changer at thirty and she finds out he's a millionaire heart throb. How cut is that!!

Roomaid By Sariah Wilson--This contemporary explains what happens when you find out every choice you made was a lie.


  1. I've been watching quite a lot of the Olympics. I thought I'd seen at least a little of each sport so far, but I haven't see any synchronized swimming.

    1. There are a few sports I still haven't seen, and I never seem to watch the weightlifting. Track is one of my favs as well.

  2. Great photos! I don't watch any sports on TV, so I am not sure what they means. But I'm okay with it. LOL

    Enjoy your week and your books, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I get it Laurel. Luckily, I caught a lot of it at the gym on the teleprompter, but I caught a lot more of the drama on my phone in the news.

  3. I had never heard of hmong so had to google it! I was so happy for Suni.

    I didn't know any of that info about the synchronized swimming.

    I would've been frantic if I was that Chef and had gotten separated from my dog. Hope all went well and that they're back together.

    How did your son get the cool name of Zulfiqar? That's the third new thing I learned from your post. lol I feel like I don't know anything now. Ha ha.

    1. Yes, my son has a Pakistani name. sometimes we call him Zulfi for short. He's a great little kid.

  4. I haven't been watching the Olympics. I'm not really into sports much except for baseball.

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. I've always been into watching the gymnastics and figure skating portion of the olympics. I like to tell people that I am the size of a very small gymnast.

  5. This Time Next Year is really fun, isn't it?

    I keep meaning to watch the Olympics. Soon!

    I think your driving is a fascinating job where you meet fascinating people.

    1. Yes, the driving gig has been a great gig and its so great to be able to pick it up whenever I want.

  6. What a cute picture of your son.

    I haven't watched any of the Olympics this year because I only have netflix right now.

  7. I noticed there are many Olympians from Minnesota. I'm enjoying it, watching on broadcast tv. It's ruining my schedule so it's good it's only another week.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I need to look into what other sports these Olympics from Minnesota are performing.

  8. Synchronized swimming must take so much out of a person cause you're not just swimming, you have to stay in tune with your choreography and everyone around you! I love the glances into the people you meet driving, there are so many fascinating stories out there! Thanks for dropping by my blog and have a lovely week :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

    1. Yes Juli, I dance, but Underwater?!
      Now, that's a different story.

  9. Your son is a cutie, I’ve never heard his name before.
    I’ve mainly been watching gymnastics and diving

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. His name is Zulfi. He is great fun and is currently enjoying his newest set of legos.

  10. Synchronized swimming has always fascinated me. I haven't watched much of the Olympics this year, but I usually do enjoy all of the swimming.

    1. Yes, I watched a few of the dives and that was great.

