
Sunday, June 27, 2021

Sunday Post



 Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelve, Reader Book Buzz  for weekly updates.

           LOOKING FORWARD TO june

This week I came real close to sailing in a one man sailboat.  

There's a group that teaches sailing and I learned a bit about that.  I also watched a few LIVE and virtual shows and wrote reviews and did some improv with some people. It was Colorado Fringe Fest this week and I watched a few of the shows.   I also saw a few people that I haven't seen in the last year, so that stirred up some excitement. I also talked about the Writer's Muse and what motivates writers to write, whether that be music, prompts, etc.

Its just been one of those weeks where things were coming together.  My son will be five soon, and I was flipping through some of his photos and reminiscing,  A friend of mine is also going to be moving out so I may go and enjoy their apartment one last time.

                                        My photos

Me(lower right)

                                                                        Upcoming Shows

From July 2 – 18, Pillsbury House Theatre, MPLS is ecstatic to return to live in-person theatre with Aleshea Harris’ What to Send Up When it Goes Down. This is the directorial debut of PHT’s new Artistic Producer, Signe V. Harriday.


Conceived by Amy Draper

Music and Lyrics by Finn Anderson

Book by Stewart Melton

July 15 - 31, 2021

Elision Playhouse

Mark and Shawn talk with Eric Larson of Courage Kenney Northland, in Duluth, MN, about their recreational programs for people with disabilities.

That's my week.  Tell me about yours in the comments below.



Highly interested in this book. I adored the Netflix series, 'Silicon Valley' and I also do some stand up comedy work with people from this region.


  1. Your week sounds a lot busier than mine. I've been doing a lot of reading this week and I'm glad, I've been more relaxed than I've been in a long time.

    1. Im glad you're getting the reading squared away. I've been reading a few less contemporaries and more non-fiction. its different but good.

  2. I haven't been in a boat in years. It would have to be a pretty big boat for me to feel safe and get on. lol

  3. I've only been sailing one time. It was beautiful, but I got seasick. Thank goodness for crackers.

    Five is such a great age for kids. Enjoy your son's time as a little.

    1. Sailing sounds fun. Hope I actually learn next time and there's not too much wind.

  4. Five is such a sweet age. I teach that age in my church, and I just love them!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Five is fun...its right at the age where kids start joking and begin to understand that they are someone in the world. Even start remembering more of their dreams.

  5. I've always wanted to learn how to sail so that sounds like a lot of fun to me. Hope you'll get a chance to do that. Awww, 5 is such a fun age. :)

    1. Thanks Suzanne. I hope I get to do a lot more this week. I've been walking like crazy and that helps.

