
Sunday, June 6, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy



(Pictured above is my favorite improviser Michael Keegan an (actor) with cast of Sesame street)

Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelve, Reader Book Buzz  for weekly updates.

           LOOKING FORWARD TO june

I ended up going to Wild Mountain in Wisconsin last Sunday.  This recreation park has go-karts and an alpine sled ride.  It has a underground water slide called the "black hole"( Unfortunately it was  too cold for water rides.)

This week I took an UBER client to Rogers, Minnesota.  It's an hour's drive and quite unexpected.  The driving app tells drivers how far the client is but it doesn't tell you how far the destination is in advance. (otherwise I may not have taken that ride)  It was a good chance to catch up with friends (handsfree) on the way back.

A neighbor also gave me some tacos from a barbeque he was hosting.  Its been humid but an interesting change.

upcoming virtual shows

chekhovOS /an experimental game/

Tickets are free; Donations encouraged

June 6, 2021 (tonite!!)

Inspired by The Cherry Orchard
by Anton Chekhov
Conceived & Directed by Igor Golyak
Produced by Igor Golyak & Sara Stackhouse

Register for tickets @

(I'm super excited for this show because Its virtual on zoom with audience participation and its about gaming)

On our Channel 
Joseph Baird performing his original song, "On My Way"




Infinite Country by Patricia Engel

I had a book talk on ZOOM about 'The Gene' and I had a  chance to talk about my own rare condition achondroplasia and how it affects 1 out of 10,000 people.


  1. Uber needs to find a way, with long rides like that, to let you know how far the destination is before you accept the assignment. What if you'd had someplace you needed to be within that 2 hour time frame?

    1. Totally Karen, it was an adventure to say the least. I'm not going to lie, sometimes I do cancel, but client was in the car lol

  2. You're an Uber driver? I'm sure that must lead to some interesting stories!

    That's a fascinating group of shows and books that you list. Lots of worthwhile entertainment there. And I like that song.

    1. Thanks Dorothy. I have so much entertainment--its a surprise what I'm willing to do!

  3. That's weird that the ride share app doesn't tell you how far away the destination is. I've always liked water rides but not roller coasters.

    1. I can take or leave roller coasters, I'm an adrenaline junkee so I Like the big thrills.

  4. Aah I remember Chekov from drama school. Fond memories!

    Be safe out there this week.

  5. I hope that you were compensated well for that long drive. I remember paying a lot for a long cab ride when I was in NYC, but it was well worth it.

    You have got some great reads going. I loved Infinite Country and The Gene.

    1. Yes, I've definitely done long rides. And been compensated generously. One time I was paid $60 and got some law advice during a one hour trip.

  6. That's interesting info about driving for UBER ... That is a long ride when you have to turn around and come right back.

  7. Oh wow, that is a really long Uber ride. Glad you were able to use the drive back home to catch up with some friends anyway.

    1. Yes Suzanne, its hard to know what to expect.

