
Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Sunday Post #amjoy Heaton Wilson


 Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelve, Reader Book Buzz  for weekly updates.


I have a guest author on my blog today. Heaton Wilson was born in Stalybridge, near Manchester, and has lived and worked in Bolton, Herford and Worcester, Southampton, Hertfordshire, London and Gloucestershire.

What have I written?
I was a newspaper journalist and a publicity consultant, so I have always been a writer. 
I wrote stage and radio plays about 10 years ago, many of which were published. More recently, I have  written three crime fiction novels - Every Reason, Whatever It Takes, and Retribution, which will be published this year. My collection of short stories will also be published soon.

What are my ambitions?
Mainly, to keep improving, but also to branch out into different genres. I have the germ of an idea for a fantasy book but it is on hold until I am ready to let go of the crime series. I've grown very attached to DCI Jane Birchfield and her team, so there is at least one more book to come!
My only ambition is to be the best person, and the best writer, I can be.

What inspires me to write?
Great question. I wish I knew! It's partly the encouraging feedback from readers; mixed with acknowledgement from the publisher I signed up with this year. But it also comes from within. I have always had a vivid imagination, and I find stories and ideas come easily. Once the idea has taken hold, nothing can stop me!

My favourite motivational phrase?
'Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.'

What drew me to write crime fiction?
Several factors came into play... First, I had a lot of experience of crime and policing as a journalist; second, my brother in law was a detective in the North West of England and told me some very interesting stories, and gave me a copy of the murder procedural manual he used to work from; third, I grew up idolising the writing of people like Raymond Chandler, Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes).  And fourth, I love taking on challenges, and there is something very rewarding about weaving a complex plot around characters that I hope readers can relate to, and making it believable.
Finally, of course, I am an avid reader and two out of three books I have on the go at any one time are crime fiction.

Contact Heaton


From the author of this blog.  This week I hosted Shut UP and Write, a writing group that has been meeting online and it felt wonderful to be a part of something so fanstastic.  Hoping to take more leadership roles.

Upcoming Twin Cities Play

by William Shakespeare

directed by Joe Wiener

June 18 – July 18, 2021
Free at area parks

The work of the body is sometimes kept under a man's control, but he does not keep the work of the mind under his control. This is not because he cannot do so; it is because he never thinks about it.


On our channel

Mark and Charlie talk with former Phys Ed teacher, Ed Prohofsky, who helped shape adapted sports in Minnesota, Ed Prohofsky. Ed tells us about the journey of adapted sports from his classroom to being acknowledged by the Minnesota State High School League.


  1. Interesting guest, crime fiction is my favorite genre.

  2. Thank you for sharing this interview with the author. Good luck to him. I hope he gets a chance to write in other genres one day.

    1. Yes. I love that Heaton is also a journalist.

  3. Interesting interview. I'll have to check out his book.

  4. That's awesome. Loved the interview.

  5. I am not familiar with Heaton Wilson, but I will definitely be checking out his work. Thank you for sharing the interview with us. I like his favorite motivational phrase.

    I hope you have a great week!

    1. Yes, Heaton is definitely an author to keep an eye on.

  6. I love love love love A midsommer nights dream! Took part in our high school production when I was in Grade 11 and also directed a school production around 10 years ago. The best memories! I hope you enjoy it!

    Be safe out there this week!

    1. Any play done in Highschool is so memorable, Elza. I had seen Othlello, and To Kill a Mockingbird, The Glass Menagerie and many more.

  7. A Midsummer Night's Dream is one of my favorite shows I've ever been in. I loved it!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I love that its going to be outside as well Nicole.

