
Saturday, April 10, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy



Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelve, Reader Book Buzz  for weekly updates.


This week was rainy as all get out.  I liked the rain forest feeling and my second week house sitting. I found myself pulling the sliding door and getting outside as often as I could.  I even barbequed outside right before we were pelted with the big drops.

I started a new health care job which kept me busy with orientating and meeting new people. I enjoy the job, its closer to home and has a lot of perks.

I also went to a Twins baseball game outdoors. Lots of chanting and cheering, and singing to "Take me OUT to the ball game" and fireworks. We scored ten runs! And sent the Seattle Mariners packing. The best part of the game was chiding with my siblings, both my brother and sister sat on either side of me and we had on these gigantic blue ponchos to combat the rain and we took some really silly selfies.

I often dared my siblings to do some crazy dance to get on the jumbotron. One woman was hit by a fly ball behind us and I felt terrible as fans stood to give whirly siren gestures to indicate she needed help ASAP. Despite that it was a great week overall, one I felt deep in my soul.

Upcoming Virtual Shows

Meet the Artists:Adrianna Hicks By Ordway Center for the performing arts

 Adrianna played in the Ordway’s pre-Broadway production of the musical SIX. Whether it’s gospel music in her church choir, American standards in concert with Michael Bublé, or musical ballads from Broadway to Bavaria, Adrianna Hicks sings every style with style.
Date: April 19th
Tickets at

"The only way a relationship will last if if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take."-Toni Robbins

That's my week.  Tell me about yours in the comments below.


I only started this one, but its funny for the most part.

I had to read Carol Goodman book, "The Night Visitors' I loved Goodman's first novel 'Lake of Dead Languages.'  and You can feel the same tone in this one, and the mutl-perspective given from chapter to chapter. This novel is about a family running from the law great energy. I also love that the family got on the greyhound because I once took a great hound from Minnesota to Ohio to go to a conference.

I'm enjoying 'Broadchurch' I'll read almost any book that's made it to a movie. So if you got one in mind let me know in the comments below.


  1. I'm jealous of you going to a baseball game, I've been watching the Red Sox on TV as much as possible.
    Wishing you luck in your new job.

    1. Thanks Karen, it was loads of fun. I even got a free Twins cap and Nut roll.

  2. It's rained every night here, which works out well, as every morning the plants are nicely watered and it is sunny.

    Congratulations on the new job. And a job with perks! Lovely.

    I remember reading Lake of Dead Languages, but, wow, it was way back in 2009.

    1. Yup, there was something about 'Lake of Dead Languages' that was so memorable, the combination of Greek language and the girls venturing out on the lake that reminded me of my own childhood.

  3. Hih Tin! Congrats with the new job! Yea for perks!!

    Glad you are enjoying the rain. Broadchurch? I will need to take a look.

    Have a good week Trin and enjoy the work!

  4. Getting hit by a fly would be awful, Poor woman. I hope you enjoy the new job.

    1. Totally Mary, I got hit in the face by a football and took a small chip in my front tooth because of it. It does hurt!

  5. Good luck with your new job! How exciting!

    Have a great week!

  6. We've had lots of rain too. A baseball game sounds like a nice slice of normal :)

    1. It was a nice change. I sang songs, whooted and hollered and had the time of my life.

  7. I love the rain. I live in a more desert like climate though and so this area doesn't get much of it. :-( Congratulations on your new job! I hope it continues to go well! I hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks so much. So far so good, as the job goes. Hope you get some rain soon too.

