
Saturday, February 6, 2021

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy



 Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelve, Reader Book Buzz  for weekly updates.

           LOOKING FORWARD TO February

I did some sketch comedy this week with a group of people online.  We watched some sketches to get acclimated to this form of comedy.   One of the sketches we watched was this one where the therapist only charges five dollars for every session and he guarantees that no one would be charged more.  (Wouldn't that be nice?) It featured Bob Newhart, I included it below if you're interested.
Otherwise this week I spent some time in book clubs virtually.  One of the clubs had varied opinions of Lilly King's, Writers and Lovers.'  
It got super cold in Minnesota this week, and snowed. I do not drive Ride share when its snowing.  Its too scary.  So at 6 am when the blizzard started I headed back home with coffee in hand.  

My photos
Lots of Snow in Minnesota.  I love how this Tibetan restaurant really looks like its in Tibet thanks to the snow.

This is street art near Cedar

A picture from my trip to Chicago back in September

This is a Starbucks in Downtown, Chicago.  Its massive. It has three floors and bean machines.

Disability Landscape Minnesota channel YouTube clip with KS95 radio host

Bob Newhart 'Stop It' Sketch

That's my week.  Tell me about yours in the comments below.



 I heard this is a combination of a memoir and cookbook.   The author was going through a crisis and cooking chicken saved the day.

I'm loving this story.  Adrienne Miller the author, at one point dated David Foster Wallace and there's a lot of talk of his work and what it meant to the literary world.

This book has received


  1. The snow is so pretty in so many different scenes, but I drive in it as little as possible, certainly wouldn't want to be doing Ride Share in that kind of weather either.

    1. Yes, the snow is very beautiful. I hear a lot of passengers say they came to minnesota for the four seasons.

  2. I agree, snow can be so pretty in pictures but not for commuting. We moved to Florida from New York a little over a year ago. So, no more snow for me. It's a little weird though not having snow. I hope you have a great week and don't get much more snow.

    1. yes, Florida is a grand place. My dad lives down there and he's always going on about the scenery.

  3. The sketch comedy sounds like a lot of fun. I hope you enjoyed taking part! Five dollars for a therapy session would be a really good deal! :-) A three floor Starbucks! That's something. The ones here are very small in comparison, I'm sure.

    In the Land of Men sounds really good. I haven't heard of The Aosawa Murders, but now I'm really curious about it. I hope you enjoy it when you read it!

    I hope you have a great week!

    1. Yes, that Starbucks is so beautiful. I knew I wanted to go there because when I went to NY they often had three story department stores and so forth which is quite different from the department stores in MN

  4. I love to look at snow but do not like having to go out in it, especially for work. It's snowing here now and I'm all the more glad that I'm still working remotely so I don't have to deal with it in the morning, lol.

    1. Yes working remote has its bonus. Good to look out at the snow from the window. I had several moments this week where I couldn't even open the window and a drive thru attendant just looked at me with sympathy.

  5. Online comedy sounds like a great way to brighten up some days during the pandemic. I do my share of online book clubs, too.

    My son in Chicago is really suffering right now. One night it went down to single digits. I feel for you there. I don't know how you do it.

    I really enjoyed Reader on the 627.

    1. Thanks Deb for the empathy. I saw the funniest tick tok related to the weather in MN, when this guy gets in his car and is like 'oh F%^# its cold', and above is a caption that reads, 'You know you live in Minnesota when...'

  6. I would love some snow but driving in it would be a no. I am glad you went home. I love the polar bears.

    1. Thanks Mary. I take a lot of risks but that's not one of them. My passengers tell me about their risks too. One of the more recent ones was a chiropractor who went sky diving. Sounds fun!

  7. We had a little snow recently and I hear there's going to be a lot more - the temperatures sure have been dropping ! I added The Aosawa murders to my TBR, it looks interesting. Have a nice week and stay safe :)

    1. You'll like 'The Aosawa Murders'. I'm reading another book by an asian author called, 'Ghost Bride.'

  8. Hi Trin! It's as hot as anything here with us. But I love the heat, don't like the cold and as much as I would love to see snow, don't think I will cope with it!

    Aaah that gif in the opening of your post is soooo adorable. Almost as cute as Elza!

    Take care and be safe this week!

