
Saturday, December 19, 2020

Sunday Post



           LOOKING FORWARD TO December

I enjoyed Queen’s Gambit this week on Netflix. I like the obsessive character, Beth Harmon.  I guess I didn’t know it was based on an earlier book (by the same name) but I should have found that clue after seeing the 1950-60's setting.  I found it very similar to the Bobby Fisher story. I haven’t read the book, and I'm ashamed to

say that I never learned to play chess like the character in the movie. Its on my bucket list.  In a ZOOM meeting, I heard one writer say this about Walter Trevis' writing: “IF I could write like him, I’d die happy.” Wow!
Lastly, I drove ride share and took a lot of people to do their holiday shopping.  There were as many as I thought (of course).  I enjoyed seeing all of the outdoor displays.  There are a lot more unusual inflatables this year.  It seems as if people are going for the unusual and comedic.  I shared some of the ones I noticed in pictures below.
That was my week.  Please tell me about yours.



Ghosts of GreenGlass House is a YA book highly recommended to read during the holidays.

The Twelve Dates of Christmas' is an okay nove. The title is exactly as the book suggests and the setting is in the UK. I love, love, love UK stories.  I did think that the characters could have more depth and the plot isn't as happy go lucky as most holidays novels, moving into the dating bit quite fast but there are twelve dates so that's a lot of men to stow away in one novel.


  1. Stay safe. Numbers of new people getting sick are rising like crazy here.

    I read and liked Twelve Dates. I also read, and liked a little more, In a Holidaze. It was fun for me to read something light.

    Happy holidays!

    1. I'll look into Holidaze. I can always find something nostalgic in almost any holiday read.

  2. I learned how to play chess when I was in a psychiatric hospital back when I was 18 years old. I had a really bad depression episode back then and the hospital really helped me. I met a retired college professor in there and we would sit for hours playing chess. He taught me but I never could beat him. lol

    1. I'm glad you learned how to play. I also learned how to play 'skipo when I was in the hospital for a nine week stay.

  3. We haven't watched The Queen Gambit yet, but I only hear raving reviews. After Christmas!

    Laughable inflatables.... Wonder if the sausage doggie has been out and about since Halloween?

    Be safe and have a very merry Christmas!

    1. Inflatables are great, aren't they.. Now I just need a pool.

  4. I can’t play chess at all, even checkers is a struggle, just not my thing!

    I hope you staying well, ride share seems to be a risky profession given current circumstances.

    Wishing you a great reading week, and happy holidays 🎁

    1. Its been an interesting profession for sure. Great for a writer (wink)

  5. I didn't know about the book either, but I had waiting for the release of the Queen's Gambit for quite some time. When it was released, I then binge watched it, then I watched it again a week later. I loved the period it was set in, her diligence, the clothes and focus. One of the best movies I've ever seen in my life, and a reminder to do your thing and not get caught up in what other people say of think about you. How cool about the holiday shopping! Merry Christmas and please stay safe! Hugs, RO

    1. Its so hard not to binge anything on Netflix. I binged Valeria as well. Its a perfect show for writers and people who love France.

