
Saturday, November 28, 2020

Sunday Post


Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelve, Reader Book Buzz  for weekly updates.



I had a writer tell me about The Tip, a book by Seth Godin, and how every artists begins with a purpose and optimism then they go through something called The Tip which are every day obstacles. Now the experienced and successful artists, according is Godin is one who knows that to get over the obstacles is the successful artists.

I found myself looking into a lot of podcasts this week, including This American Life and 80,000 Hours Podcast.  The second one is a British organisation studying which careers can achieve the most positive impact on the world.

 I know I do a lot of stuff and dive into one task after another. That's why this week I gave some thought to my week and how I can break into chunks like: (9am-11am) (11am-1pm) etc.  This way I can put more effort and focus into my projects instead of spending my time erratically and distracting myself. I appreciate you readers making sense of my week. Some of you have been commenting on my posts for years and that makes me feel great😀😀 There's a lot of vulnerability in showing your work and its so important.

Virtual Shows I'm Excited about 

A CHRISTMAS CAROL, adapted by Orson Welles. Presented by
The Mysterious Old Radio Listening Society
December 11-13.
Tickets available now at

Get Thee Behind Me, Santa:A Fundraiser for Strike Theater
Sat, Dec 19th 
 This show was recognized as the bestselling show in its venue at the 2018 Kansas City Fringe Festival and selected for a coveted Encore slot.
$5-10 recommended donation, though nobody is turned away from watching!

The Snow Queen, a Dance Film, presented by Ballet Co.Laboratory

Saturday, December 19 at 7:00 pm

Sunday, December 20 at 2:00 pm 

For more information on Ballet Co.Laboratory and their programs, visit


From Disability Landscape 
(Here's a fun talk from the channel the writer of this blog is featured on).



I've been reading a lot of books that deal with growing older

Fantastic book, this is not one of V.E. Schwab's everyday books there is a romance story line.  It's just as good everyone says. Can't recommend it enough.


I took a gander at Jeannette winter's Novel and I think the author and I have a lot in common.  Both of us are writers. And I have had a traumatic childhood, having been torn out of my own  family at the age of two and put in foster care.  I think I'll have to tackle this autobiography on a day where I have my wits about me.


  1. That's an interesting idea. I have never heard of the book but it sounds interesting. It does make you feel vulnerable when you put something out there for others to see that you've made. Be it a blog post, art, hobbies or a book. I'm glad I found your blog. I like visiting others blogs and seeing what they are doing.

    1. Me too Mary-reading blogs gives you a lot of perspective and finding new books to read gives me great delight.

  2. I have a block schedule of sorts, it helps keep me on track.
    It’s sensible to emotionally prepare yourself for reading something if you know it will affect you.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. So true Jeanette. There are a lot of books that emotionally affect me. I try to read light hearted contemporaries-that helps.

  3. During the pandemic time, I've been listening to many more podcasts. My favorite is On Being with Krista Tippett. Her podcast always lifts my spirits.

    I wish there was more publicity for virtual theater. I saw that the Houston Symphony was doing a virtual performance, and the tickets were very reasonable. But I don't really know how to find out who is doing what. Thanks for sharing the Christmas Carol with us.

    The Invisible Life of Addie Larue sounds great. I will see if I can find it here.

  4. Are you reading Well Met right now, or have you just finished reading it? I loved that one. So much fun. :)

    1. I'm reading Will Met right now. It is quite fun. We have the Renaissance in our state so I'm able to relate and love the improvisation these people do in these shows.

  5. I liked Well Met, but the sequel was only so-so for me. I have the Schwab book, I didn't like the one I tried by her called The Near Witch, but I've heard so much good about this one I'm going to try her again. I've been stressing with getting time to write, maybe I need to read The Tip! Thanks for the tip, lol. Have a great December!
    Lisa Loves Literature's November Wrap-Up

  6. There are so many great books I feel I need to read before the end of the year and The Invisible Life of Addie Larue is one of them.

    Good to hear you are focusing and making plans to focus even better on your projects. Good for you. I just can't plan or think anymore this year and just want to go on holidays now! One week to go....

    Have a good week and take care!

    1. So glad you are going on holiday. I feel guilty to admit I went on holiday this year. But it did wonders for my health.

  7. I'm adding The Invisible Life of Addie Larue to my TBR list. I agree that reading a memoir that includes events that can trigger our own pain can be hard. I need to be in the right mood to read those kind of books. Enjoy your week!

  8. I love podcasts, I listen to them when I’m driving home, when I’m ironing and walking the dog, they make such great company. I have about ten core podcasts that I subscribe too, there is so much choice out there!

    Have a good week!

  9. You have found all kinds of good events. I'm glad to hear it isn't too cold yet. It's freezing at night here but still nice in the daytime.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  10. I have the V.E. Schwab book on my wish list and I'm happy you enjoyed it--I haven't found anyone yet who hasn't liked it. I only listen to a few podcasts--one is a picture book podcast that has only one new episode per week so it's easy for me to keep current. I'm missing out on my own holiday concert performances this year--they are always my favorite.

