
Saturday, August 8, 2020

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy

Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves for weekly updates.


Director and writer, Tara Tusher, is with me today. Tara is known for films such as Inner-critic (2020), Oscar Bones (2010) and Aryl & Ybur.
I saw the Sci-Fi film, Inner-Critic during a film fest.  This short is about a heart broken woman who battles her inner critic as she works on a potion to bring back her dead lover. I inserted a trailer of the film below.

Tara, What was your motivation for bringing ‘Inner Critic’ to screen?

I kept wanting to make another short film, but I was constantly talking myself out of

it. Telling myself that it wouldn’t be good enough, that there was no point because

there were so many people that were so much better than I was. Ultimately, I

decided that it was time to stop listening to that voice and to do it anyway. I gave

myself permission to fail and with that I actually gave myself room to grow.

How did you go about getting so many people within the industry to tell the story of

‘Inner Critic’?

I think that ‘Inner-critic’ has a theme that is extremely relatable. We all know what it

feels like to talk down to ourselves. Everyday, I battle to overcome my inner-critic

and I think there are a lot of people out there fighting that same internal battle.

Looking at your favorite films, what type of structure do these films usually have?

I don’t think that there is necessarily a type of structure that is a common thread in

my favorite films. I’ve definitely always been drawn to elements of fantasy and

fairytales. I love movies like Amelie, Pan’s Labyrinth and Beasts of the Southern

. They are all quite different structurally speaking but they share a sense of

being fantastical in their own unique way.

Growing up, what movies or stories inspired your creative passion?

Movies were a huge part of my life growing up. My grandmother was a screenwriter

and my grandfather was a journalist for Variety so we were constantly being invited

to private screenings in Hollywood, a real highlight from my childhood. My Dad,

also a writer, loved movies in a way that I’ve never seen before and watching movies

together is a bond that we share to this day. Honestly, there are so many movies that

have inspired me creatively. If I had to narrow it down, I would have to say that I

have been most influenced by the wondrous worlds created by Jim Henson and Tim


Your film won an award for best fantasy short. What was that like?

It’s so surreal. I’m constantly thinking that it must be some kind of mistake. I mean

this little film ‘Inner-critic’ has has been in the company of some truly amazing films and

so I don’t know what else to think other than it must be a mistake.

Last question, what project are you working on next?

Another short film…it’s a modern-day, gothic romance with quirky characters and

lesbian themes.

Thanks for joining us today Tara.

Thanks for having me.

Trailer for Sci-Fi film 'Inner Critic'

Contact Tara
Also, here are my social media links. 


On a side note, I also witnessed a protest this week and spoke with a comerical pilot who looked a lot like Prince Harry and we talked about how the airlines, like Delta, Southwest and Spirit decide how full a plane should be.  We also talked about which part of his job is the most stressful, and of course he mentioned how difficult it is to fly during storms.
Writers and Lovers by Lily King

Readers, if you have any comments please post them below.


  1. Our inner critic is the strongest deterrent that most of us face.

  2. Inner Critic sounds intriguing. Thank you for the interview.

    I really enjoyed Writers & Lovers. Hope you do, too.

    One of the oddest things about our trip to France in January was how few people were aboard. I am still curious about how that happened.

  3. Thanks for the interview. Very interesting. I hope you have a great week!

  4. I am my own worst critic. The Inner Critic sounds interesting. Cool that you got to chat with a pilot. I worry about flying right now.

  5. Great interview! Enjoy the upcoming week and your books, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. You talk to the most interesting people. We just aren't getting out or trying new things right now.

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. It's true, I should mention that this film fest was a virtual one, and I'm so glad Tara took the time to respond and tell me phone.

  7. I think most are their own worst critic. Sounds like and interesting story. I think I'd be terrified flying in storms too! Happy reading!

  8. Wow! It's cool to get to see the inside info of what goes on behind the scenes,and loved the interview! Stay safe! RO

  9. Thanks for sharing your interview with Tara, her work sounds amazing.

    Have a lovely week and stay safe.

  10. Every time I see a plot where they want to bring someone back from the dead, my mind goes straight to Pet semetary. lol

    1. Ha ha, That's one heck of a book, 'Pet Sementary.'

