
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy

Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves for weekly updates.


Why do I love virtual sessions?  
Because they are empowering!
I got this idea from quarantine

I love virtual sessions because I learn a lot! And I mean a lot.  I took part in a wordpress  session and I talked to developers and programmers about how to make a successful website.  I have a Wordpress account but I've been hesitant to make the leap because I'd have to learn a whole new tool, but I'm glad for the opportunity to learn so much last Saturday.  The group is called Mpls-St Paul Wordpress User group on

We brainstorm ideas on how to make our sites better. This brainstorming often happens in fifteen minutes intervals and then we have a discussion.  At first I was a bit intimidated because a lot of the members use their Wordpress for Business, and they know things that are way over my head. But once I shook my nerves out, I listened and contributed.  Hope you all are having a great week and trying new things.

I'm also going to go out on a limb and say that if any of you Sunday Bloggers want to zoom chat and talk about your blogs and things you want to learn, I'd be willing to set up a chat session, just put the time you're available on a sunday, along with time zone and I'll send you a note with link to your blog.  You wouldn't have to do video, if you didn't feel comfortable(I'm all about the boundaries). 

I know that Karen @ has a FB site that is great for communicating as well. 

Have a great week!

Have a comment, link it below.


Reading:The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel


Sunday: The Sunday Post

Up Coming:


  1. I started one of the Great Courses yesterday, and I think that's a direction I might like to go. I feel this need to do some learning right now. I'm glad you learned a lot from the virtual session you attended.

    1. Hello all viewer online HIV has cure but doctor said Hiv/Aids has no cure until i met Dr SAYO who help me in my life. I was infected with HIV/AIDS in 2008, i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how can I get a solution, so that my body can be okay. until this faithful day as i was browsing the net I saw a testimony on how Dr.SAYO helped people in curing HIV Disease, quickly I copied his Email which is so i contacted him for solution for my HIV, so Dr.SAYO told me that his going to prepare herbal medicine for my health, then he prepared the medicine and luckily after two week my Hiv/Aids was be cured. Dr SAYO is well recognize as one of the best herbalist doctor in Africa, you don't have to be sad anymore or share your tears anymore on this disease when the cure have already be found by Dr.SAYO herbal medicine, he so cure HERPES,CANCER, ALS,HEPATITIS B, DIABETIC check his FB page: OR visit his websites website;  check blog:

      Hello all viewer online HIV has cure but doctor said Hiv/Aids has no cure until i met Dr SAYO who help me in my life. I was infected with HIV/AIDS in 2008, i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how can I get a solution, so that my body can be okay. until this faithful day as i was browsing the net I saw a testimony on how Dr.SAYO helped people in curing HIV Disease, quickly I copied his Email which is so i contacted him for solution for my HIV, so Dr.SAYO told me that his going to prepare herbal medicine for my health, then he prepared the medicine and luckily after two week my Hiv/Aids was be cured. Dr SAYO is well recognize as one of the best herbalist doctor in Africa, you don't have to be sad anymore or share your tears anymore on this disease when the cure have already be found by Dr.SAYO herbal medicine, he so cure HERPES,CANCER, ALS,HEPATITIS B, DIABETIC check his FB page: OR visit his websites website;  check blog:

    2. Hello viewers around the Globe, I was despondent because i had a very small penis, about 2.5 inches soft and 4 inches hard not nice enough to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors for me, but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the INTERNET about this specialist called Dr,OLU and decided to contact him on his email: so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis Enlargement, Within 3 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement was surprised when she said that she is satisfied with my sex and i have got a large penis. Am so happy, thanks to Dr OLU I also learn that Dr OLU also help with Breast Enlargement Hips and Bums Enlargement etc.. If you are in any situation with a little Penis, weak ejaculation, small breast_hips_bums do get to Dr OLU now for help on his email ( or add him on whatsapp line +2348140654426 

  2. Thank you so much for the compliment and the shout out.
    I wonder what we'd all do without zoom, from families to businesses and everything in between it's been great for connecting. We'll even be attending a cousin's Bar Mitzvah via zoom next month.

  3. Before I set up my blogger blog, I tried wordpress but it was way too much for me. I think back then you had to know some coding and all of that way way above my head. lol

  4. Word Press is much simpler these days.

    Thanks for sharing your week and your thoughts, Trin, and for visiting my blog.

  5. We tried to switch over to Wordpress from Blogger a few years back and it was such a nightmare for us we ditched it. Oh well. Glad you're getting some useful information with your meetings. We've been using Zoom for family stuff.

  6. I’ve always been happy with Wordpress, though I’m yet to switch over to their new block editor and frankly I’m not looking forward to it. If you are using a free WP blog, the most crucial decision is in choosing the right template.

    Wishing you a great reading week and good health

    1. I will have to experiment with their templates. I think I'll make several with weird catchy names just so I can get the hang of it.

  7. I am glad you are getting so much out of virtual sessions. We are not fans here, I am afraid. My daughter hates having to take her dance classes and rehearsals via Zoom. For schooling, there isn't much in the way of video contact with her teacher or classmates. They use Google Meets twice a week, but everything else is written exercises or readings she does at her own with help from her dad and me.

    We don't use Zoom for meetings at work. Skype is evidently the preferred method, but my work computer doesn't have a camera and so I can only do teleconferencing with everyone. I'm okay with that. I hate being on camera anyway. LOL

    I don't use Wordpress for my blog, and have only used Blogger, which I've always been happy with.

    I hope you have a good week. Stay well and safe.

    1. virtual sessions are not easy. I do like facebook vids because you don't have to set up scheduled meetings like you do for Zoom and you don't have to think of the time zone with your participants.

  8. I have a wordpress account, but never use the dang thing.(lol) Very cool idea to meet up to share ideas and offer support. A great way to meet new friends too! Hugs, RO

    1. Wordpress is not easy. I am learning slowly and hope to even learn how to post ads.

  9. I was thinking of switching to wordpress, but it seemed difficult. I struggle with technology. These days I feel like I live on my computer and Zoom. We're using it a lot for school meetings, therapies, and to talk with friends and families. I'm thankful for it, but do miss face to face interaction.

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  10. I would like to let all know that the size of your Penis really matters in your relationship or marriage. I got married to my wife about 1 month after we met on a photo studio, we lived happily for the first 3 months of our marriage until i and my wife started having quarrels at home because i couldn't satisfy her on bed with my little penis. Actually my penis was very small, it measured about 4.5 inch long on erection and i am 39 years old. My wife said it was forbidden by the women of this world. My wife started sleeping with other men outside. Sometimes i will return from work without finding my wife at home and whenever i call or ask her where she was, she will always snub at me and sometimes just tell me to go get a larger dick. All this continued for a long time and it hurt me so much that i was at the edge of breaking up on the marriage till when i read about a doctor called DR.OMOHAN. online. I never thought i could smile and be in a happy marriage again if not for the help of DR.OMOHAN. I got the doctors Emails:( ) on the internet and i emailed him, and he got back to me with some encouraging words, he got me some herbs cream which i use for just 8 days and i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, and without surgery. This went on for a little period of about 10 days and to my surprise my wife keeps screaming that she love my big dick now. Now my wife no longer cheat on me, and my penis is now about 10.5 inches long on erection and off course very large round. And now my wife uses breasts, hips and bums enlargement. I and my wife are very happy for the help rendered to me by DR.OMOHAN , and i want to say a big thanks to Doctor for the help. You can contact the Doctor now on his Email:( ) Am thankful to the doctor for helping me.
    his whataspp number +2348164816038

    5 IF YOU NEED A BABY SPELLhim to solve
    get all your problem solve. No problem is too big for him to solve.  

