
Saturday, February 8, 2020

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy


Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves for weekly updates.

           LOOKING FORWARD TO February

Why am I celebrating stand-up?  
Because its fun!
I got thisidea  after going to stand-up last friday.

What I learned from stand-up.

I learned that sitting in the front row is never a good idea even if there are no seats in the house.  I got clowned on for sure. I was sitting next to a male friend that I had invited and a comic asked us what our 'thing' was and I shook my head, implying we're not together and he went on to say how 'Molly' could help me break my walls down and how I needed to open up. Yeah right, I thought why trying to stife a laugh.  

Either way... by the end of the night I learned that even though comics are funny, they are very serious people and serious about their craft.  One comic that night stormed off the stage after admitting several times he was not getting any laughs.  'What's up with you, why are you not laughing?' he kept saying and swearing at the audience.

 Another comic talked about how his girlfriend gave him a book to write jokes in, and how that book seemed to be too nice write in as he pieced through the pages and showed us.  That guy, too, left the stage early. 

By the end of the night, I had a chat with my friend and fellow comic, Matt Malone, about the stand-up world and he introduced me to some other comics.  This all happened at Comedy Corner in Minneapolis.  Needless to say, I did not get up to do my bit that night but I think I will soon.  I just want to find a venue that seems to suit me first.

Please leave a comment below.


Reading: Everything you Need you Have by Gerad Kite

The Power of the Divine Eros by A.H. Almaas


Sunday: The Sunday Post

Up Coming:
Play Review


  1. I bet the stand-up world can be brutal. We love watching Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee on Netflix. Some of those folks are funny but some are not. It would be difficult if I were a comic and I were not funny, I think.

    There's a class at the next library conference in March for improv. It's supposed to help librarians in their work. I am hoping to attend.

    Have a good week!

    1. I think any opportunity to take classes and learn a fun skill is great. I wish you luck.

  2. I can imagine how much those aspiring comics have vested in that performance and how difficult it must be if it's not appreciated. But I think they should have stayed up there and continued to try.

  3. Comedy is hard work from what I understand of it. I’ve actually just binge watched The Marvelous Mrs Maisel which is hilarious..she’s a comedienne trying to make it in the 1950’s ...have you seen it?

    Wishing you a great week

    1. I'll definitely look into it. My newest fav comedian is Tom Papa.

  4. Had to look twice to see what I was looking at. (Rough night...)

  5. I didn't realize that was a dog at first. lol

    1. Yes, how they managed to make that gify in the pic above is amazing.

  6. Wow, being a comic sounds tough. I don’t think I’d be brave enough to try it. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  7. I hear ya on the front row - I hate confrontation and direct attention in front of a bunch of strangers. I'm always sitting somewhere I can escape from quickly! :D Good luck with your blossoming comedy career!

    1. Thanks Becki. I may go to House of Comedy and another stand-up later this week.

  8. I love how passionate you are about your craft. I learned not to sit in the front too. LOL I can see why you would want to feel comfortable with the venue before doing your act. Good Luck with your future performance :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  9. I don't think I'd be up for performing stand-up comedy but I hope you find a venue that suits for when you decide to give it a try!

