
Saturday, January 11, 2020

Sunday Post #amreading 'Becky Shaw'

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme


I’m celebrating my health this week.  I know tons of people who have been sick.  In fact Old Log Theatre in Excelsior had to cancel their matinee performance last Wednesday because many of their cast members were sick. 

It was a shame because I had invited two people to come with me to see their performance - one of which is a friend who is thinking to start her own theatre review blog.  She may have to take a tutorial or two on how to start a blog, but I know she’ll be great at writing reviews because she’s provided me with many insights about theater while we’ve been at shows.

This last production we went to was called Becky Shaw review here, and we both agreed that the dialogue in this play was so fantastic we had to read  more of Gina Gionfriddo .This playwright has even wrote for Law and Order.  

As far as sick people go, I know tons of people in my building who have been sick.  One had to retire from his job as a recycler. You see everyone in my building has jobs that help keep our building in tip top order.  Many of these jobs are not volunteer, they’ve been given to residents as part of the public housing initiative to keep the building up to code.  It’s rather interesting to see residents up at 6AM unlocking lobby or laundry room doors(yes our laundry room is locked AND for good reason) We get the occasional person who likes to sneak in and sleep over, and we even had a person spend the night inside one of the dryers.  This sounds like a tall tale but someone did tell me that they did indeed spend the night in the dryer. 
Either way, as my health has been doing well. I’ve been doing the occasional Body Pump class at the YMCA and I’ve been adding work out songs to my vast collection.  Here are a few songs for your entertainment.

Bvrnout X VOVIII
Julius Dreisig & Zeus X Crono
Axwell ^ Ingrosso-More than Enough


Reading: Here and Now by Fern Taylor
I'll be in an improv show this Friday and Also organizing an improv JAM on February 16 at 4pm at HUGE Theatre in the Twin Cities.  Its for disability awareness. Can't wait:)


Upcoming Sunday Post


  1. Our laundry room is locked after hours too. Too many people sitting in our doing drugs. Ken and I both caught a cold this week so we've been feeling pretty bad.

    1. Oh man that this too crazy Mary. It's bad enough that people do drugs in their homes and on the streets, but they've got to do drugs in every day places where people are just trying to clean their clothes.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  2. You've read my blog post about how sick I've been so you know I'm not one of the lucky ones like you. I hope you stay healthy.
    My son's condo building had an issue with people sleeping in their storage areas above the cars in the garage. Although I know they have to lock those units to stop it, I can't help feeling badly for those who have to go that far to find a place to sleep.

  3. I'm glad you're doing well health wise! Good Luck on your Improv Show :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  4. There were almost no people who were well enough to give blood the last time I did. I tend to be much less likely to get sick now that I am retired.

    I hope your improv show goes well!

  5. Good for you for working out! Taking care of yourself definitely pays off when you feel better :) Have a great week!

