
Sunday, December 15, 2019

Sunday Post, Hanukkah Story #amjoy

Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves for weekly updates.


This week has been snowy, but amidst the freezing cold temperatures, I did manage to get out. I went to see the Minnesota Jewish Theatre Company's production of, Hanukkah Lights in the Big Sky, directed by Shelli Place. On Tuesday, there was at least one school sitting in the audience.  I had never been to this venue at Highland Park Library and I had a hard time finding the site of the theater.  It was either on second or third floor. The theater itself reminded me of an amphitheater, it was quite nice. I sat down wit other press members and video production crew in the back.  Roughly 2,200 children and adults were estimated to attend the showings, and it reminded me of taking theater trips as a kid.  

In my opinion, when you're kid-you have no idea of the effort that goes into a theater production.  Some children may think actors just show up and start acting without rehearsals.  I'm pretty sure that a lot of kids make associations to things they're already familiar with-which may or may not be a whole lot (if you think about it).  Kids are generally looking to be entertained and may not think of a show's true meaning, unless they had been prepared ahead of time .

Being that Hanukkah Lights in the Big Sky is a play inspired by true events that occurred in 1993 in Billings, Montana, the play went into a lot of depth. It retells how a brick was thrown at a menorah in a child's window during Hanukkah and how community leaders of all faiths came together to help spread a message of tolerance and peace, inspiring 10,000 families to display menorahs on Christmas.

 I think that the play could be meaningful for a lot of children.



  1. That sounds like an interesting play. I know I went to a few plays as a kid, but I don’t remember them very well. I don’t even remember what they were called. I do remember being impressed that one of them had a real car on stage. I wondered how they got it up there. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. I think kids now a days have no idea what it takes to put on a show. Back when I was a kid we did choir shows in school and hospitals. We had a lot of rehearsals. I think kids back then knew how much went into a show like that because we all did them for the holidays.

