
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy #tour

Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves for weekly updates.


I took a tour of Theatre in the Round because I may do stage managing and directing one day, and this theatre allows volunteers to come and learn backstage.

 I got to see the dressing rooms, rehearsal areas and control booths, as well as meeting rooms and lounge areas.  Here's a little known fact, "the building on Stevens Avenue was sold (today the site of the Minneapolis Convention Center) and TRP was forced to move. Fortunately, there was a fire-damaged warehouse and restaurant, Bimbo’s Pizza Parlor and Dance Emporium, for rent in historic Seven Corners, in the Cedar-Riverside area near the University of Minnesota."

In the dressing rooms, there are bulletin boards where cast members have made drawings that represent their productions. (It’s almost like a contest-to see which production can make the best drawing)

 This theater has monthly productions that follow certain themes/genres like comedies or mysteries.  In their shop and storage areas, they have furniture to suit any period production. (They were donated more than a thousand wigs by one individual). In the shop areas they also give workshops in things like costume design for free!

 In the costume area, racks are set aside for the current and upcoming production and leftover unused costumes are put on racks. It was amazing for me to see so many costumes, I just wanted try them all on, especially the skirts and dresses.

 I also liked the upstairs’ rehearsal area where cast members can bring and practice with their sets if need be until the day of production. It was easy to imagine any of the cast members moving about in such a big space.

In fact, since I’ve seen several productions at Theatre in the Round-it was easy to imagine a lot of the characters laughing and moving about in many of the spaces.
I have been in several plays in my earlier years in high school including To Kill a Mockingbird and Stand and Deliver and I know how rehearsals can be enjoyable. Rehearsals allow you to get acquainted with the cast and you often laugh and joke around as you’re trying to understand how to play your character.
Contact Toni Solie to learn more about volunteering.
These are the current and upcoming productions
Towards Zero November 15 – December 15, 2019
Black Comedy January 10 – February 2, 2020
Dog Logic February 14 – March 8, 2020
Great Expectations March 20 – April 12, 2020
Prints April 24 – May 17, 2020
Putting It Together May 29 – June 21, 2020
Jeeves at Sea July 3 – 26, 2020


Reading: Good to Great by Jim Collins, Gratitude by Angeles Arrien

Listening: to talks by Pema Chodron


I'll also be in an improv show on December 11th (7-9) at Theater in the Round so I've been going over notes from my improv teacher.  Things like tag outs, edits, walk-ins, etc.


  1. It's amazing, if you think about it (for those of us not involved in the community) how much goes on backstage.
    Wishing you luck (and fun) on the 11th.

  2. Thanks Karen. You are right karen. Going backstage I learned how much organization and timing goes into each production. I learned what kind of productions each theater caters to and how the board of directors carry out each decision and how theater directors' ideas go into productions.

  3. I need to look for Gratitude. I can always use more reminders to be thankful. And I adore Pema Chodron. I take away a lot from her.

    Have a lovely week!

  4. This is so interesting to have a peek backstage! Thanks for sharing with us!

  5. Costumes are always fun to see. That's a lot of wigs.

  6. Sounds like the tour was a great experience for you, thanks for sharing it

    Wishing you a great reading week

  7. I hope you have a great time on the 11th! I saw your post on Home Alone - that sounds awesome.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  8. Interesting! I took acting classes and helped backstage at plays when I was a teenager. I don’t think I’ve been to a theatre since I was 18.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

