
Saturday, November 12, 2022

Bootstrapped, My TV Film Fest Week #amjoy

Flashback post from three years ago

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves for weekly updates.


As I mentioned last week, I went to an independent TV festival in Duluth called the Catalyst.

 This festival featured screenings,script readings and networking events for writers, artists and producers across the video streaming industry giving artists an opportunity to meet industry executives, agents, and producers. I included some of the Comedic Series and their premise in this post.  

My favorite one was called Bootstrapped,it follows two underdog entrepreneurs, Madeline and Aimee as they struggle to be taken seriously launching their fashion and tech start up in their humble midwest town of Kansas City.  I liked this one because I cared about the characters and what they were trying to accomplish.  Their characters were believeable and I could imagine the story going on forever.

Last week I also talked about how I saved money for my trip to Duluth by driving for LYFT.  And I remembered a customer asking: where do improv 
actors get their ideas?
Our ideas come from our subconscious or our daily life.  One thing I try to think of is: 'How can I heighten the scene?' And you can heighten a scene by finding something unusual that your improv partner has said, then you label it, like: "You always say this (blank). ' And then you keep heightening the unusual bit.
Usually there’s a good guy and bad guy in a scene and someone is always checking the bad guy for their moral choices or thinking process. 

I also get the question, 'How long have you been doing improv?'  Since April. I’ll practice once or twice or week.  I’m in a group and I also go to a class

LYFT client once said to me from an audience stand point that an improv actor (on stage) has the upper hand because they have the experience vs. someone sitting in the audience.  This is something I never thought about because I often see the same improv actors sitting in the audience, but I suppose their are plenty of people who come to watch for the first time.
I try my best to never look out into the audience. I tend to look over the top of their heads because otherwise it would create a lot of pressure for me. 

I’m recognizing more and more actors at the same venues, like HUGE or STRIKE theater and I find myself thinking 'Where do I know this person from?' Often times, the actor will remind me of someone I've seen on TV, which is a huge compliment to the actor because it means their mannerisms and gestures are similar to those in Hollywood. One of the greatest things about improv I read in an article by Highexistence is that improv is a blast ! (Quote)

"Going out and playing with a community of funny creative people is extremely fun. You are all nervous together, so there’s a really supportive atmosphere where trust is a must. Plus, you get to break norms and return to a state of play like when you were a kid on the playground.
There’s something magical about this art form; you can’t be too in your head or you won’t perform well, you have to work together, and when the rhythm is just right, you reach a feeling of group-mind flow, resulting in a psychic orgasm."
Please leave a comment below.


Reading: The Magic Path of Intuition by Florence Scovel Shinn


Sunday: The Sunday Post

Up Coming:
Play Review


  1. What I love about a good improv is the way that the actors seem to connect, to support and encourage each other because the success of the scene is dependent on both of them.

    1. Totally Karen. Listening to your scene partners is so important in improv.

  2. i found your post very interesting. glad things are going well and hope you have a fantastic week
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Thanks Sherry, stay posted because I'll be having one of the indie film writers on my blog next week.

  3. I'm glad you're still having fun with the improv. I can understand not looking at the audience, I never did when I was singing in the choir back in high school.

    1. Totally fact I heard once a funny story about an audience member eating a whole bucket of chicken. I haven't seen it yet myself, but I'm sure it happens.

  4. You always do the most interesting things. From what I understand, there's been some snow there. It was in Iowa but it didn't stick. I hope you keep having fun with the improv.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Thanks Anne!!!!!!There was some's funny because I saw a car loaded up with it and wondered if they were at a higher altitude because it was the only car with snow.

  5. I've never been to a TV festival. It sounds like it was a great experience:). It's neat that you're getting to know and recognize different people from your Improve events! Good Luck as you continue to follow your passion.

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Thanks Lindy. The sky is the limit as long as you're connected to the energy source.

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