
Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Big 'O' @SueSeabury #amreading #amjoy

Why didn't the broke yogini scrounge around for investors at her high school reunion? Because change comes from within.

Spare change isn't going to cut it. Thirty-seven-year-old Nicole Dudek needs beaucoup bucks and she needs it now but hitting up her former classmates to pay her rent under the guise of 'investing' in her yoga studio is wrong on so many levels. Between them and the pair of kooks she sold a dress to off CraigsList (her BFF Olivia's. Shh, she hasn't mentioned it yet.), Nic is up to her eyeballs in debt and weirdos.

The bizarre incidents keep piling up and interest in Nic's yoga studio is anything but healthy. Her luck goes from bad to worse when she and Olivia get picked up by the CIA. In vain she tries to convince them they've got the wrong people. With the clock ticking down, Nic, Olivia and a couple of strange foreign dudes make a desperate attempt to escape from custody and stop a psycho from shutting down the US power grid.

But will a pair of out-of-town weirdos with bad teeth prove to be their salvation, or the downfall of the nation?

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