
Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sunday Post #amreading #amjoy

Today's post will link up to The Sunday SalonThe Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves for weekly updates.


Update-I had some job success and was offered a position but turned it down.  It was about the same pay BUT I'd have to work weekends.  I read somewhere online that you should try to take jobs that are paying what you're worth and take jobs that you're passionate about.
Perch Lake
Perch Lake Statue
This week I went kayaking again.  This time in Wisconsin at Perch Lake.  It's a rather small lake and has two beaches.  It was perfect.  I saw two girls doing headstands on their paddle boards which made the experience memorable.  But I guess there are a lot of cool things at the bottom of this lake according to a scuba-diving Youtuber .

This week, I also listened to Quentin Tarantino give a talk.  Quentin is the writer of Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Django, Inglorious Basterds and many other others movies.  Tarantino talked about how he doesn't think past the middle of a script when writing, because by the time he gets to the middle, he knows the characters very well and the story changes because of that.  He says he chooses very specific actors for his parts and he can answer any question an actor has about a character, down to the place where that character was born. 
Face App

By the way, I've been seeing everyone use this face app on facebook.  I'm scared to death to see my own.  Although, I'll probably look like my late grandmother.  Here is a pic of my bro who used the face app.  He sorta looks like Clint Eastwood to me. Try it by clicking this link:


Reading: The Banker's Wife by Cristina Alger,
Beautiful Boss by Christina Lauren, I'll Eat When I'm Dead by Barbara Bourland,The Night Moves by Jessica Hopper

Watching: Alita (a futuristic Movie)


Up Coming: Weekend Writing Warriors


  1. I love to kayak, but I haven't been in such a long time. I hope to go before the end of summer. I can't imagine someone doing a handstand on a board!

    I'll be curious as to what you think about these books. I wonder what the plot is of I'll Eat When I'm Dead!

    Have a great week!

    1. I know what you mean. And a handstand on a board on water-at that! Lol, it was crazy too, because the girls looked like twins but when I asked them, they said they were a year a part.

  2. Congratulations on the job offer, even if you didn't take it, it's a boost to be offered.

    1. It's a big boost to my confidence. Back in the day, I used to take the first job I was offered. But now I have to think of my lil' one. Hopefully I'll find the job that suits me.

  3. I’m already old, I don’t need to know what I’ll look like when I’m even older LOL.
    I’m planning to watch Alita with my son this week, I hope it’s good.

    Have a great reading week

    1. Oh you'll really like Alita! It's so female empowering. Other girl empowering movies are Parent Trap, Wonder Woman and basically anything with Scarlet Johansson.

  4. I hope you find a job you like. I don't have a cell phone so I won't be using the faceapp.

  5. I hope you enjoy your books, I haven't read anything by Christina Lauren yet.
    Good luck on finding the job you want.

  6. I am too old to do the FaceApp thing. I would look dead, I'm sure. But my daughter did it and ended up looking like me. Poor girl. My Sunday Salon

  7. Good luck on the job hunt. I'm sure you'll find something perfect for you. Have a great week!

  8. Kayaking sounds like a lot of fun, and I love the beach! I think it's wonderful that you're searching for a job that you can be passionate about, and that will pay you what you're worth. I hope you have a wonderful week :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  9. Congrats on the job success, even if you had to turn it down. I’m currently working for an organization that I’m passionate about, but the commute and night shifts are awful. I’m too scared to use that face app. I know I’ll look like my grandma.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Glad you're working for an organization you're passionate about. I even thought about volunteering in theater, because I have a lot of passin for that.

  10. i've seen that face app too, but i already know i'll look like my mother. lol
    sherry @ Sunday Memes

  11. nice article..
    thanks for sharing and have a nice day

