
Sunday, July 7, 2019

Sunday Post #amreading #amjoy


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
Tynga's Reviews
Sunday Salon


Happy Fourth of July! 

This week I went to the Children's Museum and also went camping at Bunker Hills campground in Coon Rapids, Minnesota.  We went to this campground as a kid to ride on ponies and take in the outdoors so it was fun to come here as an adult.  We searched and found our favorite campground site which was was an isolated one hid behind some big oak trees on top of a hill.

Bunker Hills has a water park, which my sister and niece enjoyed even while it was raining. I preferred to sit in the tent and look out at the rain (as the picture
 shows to the right.)

My brother also made a joke of bringing  'Potato Toppers' instead of our favorite sour creme: 'Top the Tater.'  He said some woman was eyeing this other brand name and he quickly went in for the steal. I've only been camping a few times so it's been great.

That was my week folks, hope you enjoyed your week.


ReadingThe Arsonist by Stephanie Oakes, Lock Every Door by Riley Sager, The trap by Melanie Raabe, Time after Time by Tamara Ireland Stone

: Mel Robbins and the Five second Rule to get you out of bed: (Ted talk )



Up Coming: Silent Wednesdays

Readers please comment below.


  1. I haven't been camping since I was a kid, and back then I loved it. Now, if someone managed to make me go, I would have hung out in the tent too, with a really good book.(lol) Hugs, RO

    1. Camping was so fun. My son spent time in the tent looking at the ceiling and listening to the rain come down. He's two and it was so adorable! It was like we were in our own clubhouse!

  2. I love to camp, but my husband complains about sleeping on the ground. We are currently talking about how to camp, but not sleep on the ground.

    Lock Every Door sounds like it is going to be a great thriller. Let us know.

    Have a great week!

    1. He-he sleeping in the ground is tough. I brought an air mattress and then walked a good ways to the bathroom to plug it in and then walk back with it inflated. It was so worth it!

  3. I camped when I was younger now and then but at this point I'm all about comfort. Never took the kids camping, other than in our back yard.

    1. He, He. Backyard, if we had one I totally do it! As of now, I'm scouting some of my friends to see if they'd host us for a backyard experience:)

  4. Camping is wonderful especially with kids. We had a bunch of children so it was always fun.

    1. Yeah Charmaine, I think you forget as an adult that kids are experiencing all of this for the first time. Each new place is like a secret get a way, and acclimating yourself to a new place can be so much fun!

  5. I haven't been camping since I was a kid. I didn't like it back then and don't like it as an adult. lol I'm glad you had fun though.

  6. Camping sounds like a lot of fun! I've never been. I love all the pics! My husband, daughter, and I enjoy water parks and swimming. Going to one in the rain sounds like a fun adventure. I'm curious about the book Time after Time. It looks good! Happy Reading!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  7. I actually like the sound of rain on a canvas tent :) I have no idea what Potato Topper or Top the Tater is, something like sour cream maybe?
    Have a great reading week

  8. What a great week! Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  9. Sounds like a great week! I haven't been camping for... years. At least ten years, as I remember that it was at some point towards the end of my high school career. Anyways, it sounds like a great time. I love the sound of rain so I feel like having it against the tent would be incredibly relaxing for me. Not sure what it is about rain, but dang, it is soothing for me. Anyways! I'm going off into a ramble. I hope you enjoy the week ahead!

    1. Thanks Jessica for dropping by. I love the rain sound as well. i should get a rain stick so I can hear it all the time.

  10. Glad you're having a good week! Camping is fun.

