
Saturday, June 1, 2019

Sunday Post #amreading #amjoy

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
Tynga's Reviews
Sunday Salon


This week has been a busy week for me. I went to several appointments and some playgrounds with my little one. On Monday, I got real resourceful cause it was Memorial Day (Thanks to all the soldiers who fought)
and raining, so I took my son to McDonald's play place. I learned the hard way that taking my son away from a an activity where he spent an hour making friends wasn't going to be easy. A little girl stood in front of me, blocking my path from reaching him on the slide, and said "No, he's not going anywhere." I got her grandma's attention by saying "Hey, what's your granddaughter's name again?" and that got the girl to move. via GIPHY

I also watched a few plays on Youtube that have to have interesting story structures.  One of them is based on a documentary where undercover cops went into a school pretending to be students in order to find out about drug dealers.  I remembered seeing the documentary a while back and you can click here to watch the Musical, called In the Heights

I also spent some time listening to Alex Blumberg, a radio journalist, former producer for public radio and television, best known for his work with This American Life and Planet Money. (Listen Here) He talked a bit about the editing process for This American Life and how many hours of work went into that show.  He talked about mistakes they made on the show and how it's often the mistakes you make along the way that make a story Good.

Last but not least, I listen to Gareth Edwards, director of Star Wars:Rogue One. He talked about the stages in his life that led him to Star Wars. (listen here) Did you know that Gareth made movies from his computer at home as a kid?  He was known as the visual effects guy. As a kid he said he wanted to "join the rebel alliance and help build the Deathstar" and someone told him he couldn't do that-that it was a lie called film making. And who would have thought that he would have eventually directed Star Wars? Moral of the story:Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something, because you can.

That's my week folks, I look forward to hearing about yours in the comments below.


Pic of Lydia Fitzpatrick

ReadingDeadline by Sandra Brown, According to a Source by Abby Setern, Afterlife of Holly Chase by Cynthia Hand, A Brilliant Death By Robin Yocum, Light All Night Long by Lydia Fitzpatrick,

Watching: Transparent


Up Coming:Book Talk

Sunday:Sunday Post

Readers if you want to comment, please do so below.


  1. Wow, you did have a busy week. I remember those days at McDonald's play place (genius marketing idea, btw), I'd have to fight, threaten, cajole and bribe my boys out of there. I'm laughing now . . .

    1. Yeah Karen, I'm pretty sure with boys you had your hands full.

  2. I just recorded Rogue One and need to watch it. I remember taking my daughter to the play place and she hated leaving. Kids can be funny.

    1. I finally understood why Star Wars as changed so much over the years-giving new directors creative control-means you can kill off the old characters and pretty much take the story where you want it.

  3. You had an interesting week. We used those playplace things. There was a Burger King out by our house where I met friends with kids sometimes Hwy 7 & Hwy 101 in Mtka. It was new way back then. I hope this week is better - warmer and less rainy.

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. Yeah Anne, I remember having my seventh birthday party with Ronald McDonald at a play place way, back when..

  4. Those indoor playgrounds can be a lifesaver during the rainy times. It is hard sometimes to get kids to leave. They have so much fun.

    I know Alex Blumberg. It is so encouraging to hear well known folks talk about how mistakes helped them along their paths.

    Have a great week.

    1. Mistakes make for great story-telling, I hope to talk a lot more about the mistakes I've made and learned from (on this blog).

  5. I remember those days of searching for ways to keep the kids entertained, especially in wet weather.

    I hope you are enjoying your current books.
    Have a great reading week

    1. Glad there are places to take kids in bad weather.

  6. Wow! Kids sure are bold these days aren't they?(lol) All in the name of fun. It's always wonderful when we can spend time with family too. Hugs...RO

  7. Haha, at least your son was having fun and making friends. I hope you’re having a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

