
Saturday, June 22, 2019

Neil Gaiman and this Sunday's Post #amreading #amjoy #Sunday Salon

Sunday Post #amreading #amjoy via GIPHY

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
Tynga's Reviews
Sunday Salon


This week I've been taking fantasy writer, Neil Gaiman's, advice on writing. I've been writing FREE hand versus on my laptop.  I've also been strictly writing; not researching, not opening up tabs and perusing the internet because Gaiman's advice is, "You can Nothing OR you can write."  I think it works.  It's helped me write a lot more.
This time around I'm writing a novel about character's who are actors.  I've done my research, believe me! And it's been fun.

This week, I also went to a park called Chutes and Ladders.
Chutes and Ladders Park pictured (above)

It's one of the biggest outdoor parks in the state and mostly made of Cargo net. While there, I almost lost my toddler, but thank God I didn't.  My mom used to tell me a story about when I was a  kid, and the whole family went to Disneyland.  We had gotten on a tram and it was so packed that when the door opened, I must have followed some strangers.  My oldest brother, Rich, saw me on the platform and took off and grabbed me before the tram left the station.  I was five and boy if he didn't find me...phewww.



ReadingDeadline by Sandra Brown, According to a Source by Abby Setern, Afterlife of Holly Chase by Cynthia Hand, A Brilliant Death By Robin Yocum, Light All Night Long by Lydia Fitzpatrick,

Watching: Transparent


Up Coming:Book Talk

Sunday:Sunday Post

Readers if you want to comment, please do so below.


Reading:Free to Focus by Michael Hyatt,The Lady from the Black Lagoon by Mallory O'Meara, The Life of An Unknown Man by Andrei Makine


  1. I'm starting my first writing class of the summer tomorrow. I'm excited. Nothing gets me writing as much as taking a writing class. I hope you are able to do lots of writing, too. I think there's a NaNoWriMo summer camp, too. I need to sign up for that.

    So glad you didn't lose your child. It was always one of my biggest fears when I had kids at home. They always seem to wander off!

    Have a great week!

    1. Yes,they wonder and wonder,curiosity is a mixed blessing.

  2. I like Gaiman's advice, I may try that myself.

    1. I hope you do Karen. I always wrote in notebooks as a very young writer,but it's been interesting going back to that habit.

  3. Good luck with the writing!

    Having a toddler in a large crowd can be a challenge.

    1. Sure can! I hope you have a good week as well.

  4. That looks like an awesome park. I know that heartstopping feeling, with four kids I was outnumbered, all of them managed to escape my sight at least once.

    Have a great reading week, and good luck with the writing.

  5. That park looks like so much fun!
    My husband lost my son twice in Disney! So he's not allowed to be alone in disney with him anymore. lol :)

    Have a great week, Happy Reading!

  6. Getting lost in a park is frightening.

    I am curious about Sandra Brown's book. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. Thanks Laurel,I saw a lot of mysteries on your blog that I plan to add.

  7. Losing my kid in a big crowded place was one of my big fears when my daughter was little. I actually bought one of those leashes they used to sell 20 years ago that attached to my wrist and her wrist.

  8. Wow, Nanowrimo camp, sounds like a lot of fun! I've done Nanowrimo two years in a row and was able to write an upwards of 80k.

  9. Oh I like Sandra Brown. I've read a couple of her books. They seem to have them at the library which makes it easy. Happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  10. Neil Gaiman is pretty brilliant and honestly, any advice of his I'll trust! He is one of those people that knows what they're talking about. Chutes and Ladders sounds interesting! I love the name, naturally.

    I hope this week treats you well!

    1. Yeah Jessica ,Neil is pretty great. I forgot to mention his love of fountain pens which I also plan on buying of I can find the right one.

  11. Good luck with the writing! I'm tempted to participate in camp nanowrimo in July and try and pick up something I started over a year ago. I'm not really a writer but I wanted the challenge and I'm having an urge to revisit it, lol.

    1. Yeah, a challenge in the summer can help take your mind off the heat.

  12. I almost lost my oldest at a rest stop when he was a toddler. Fortunately I didn't. My week in review

    1. That must be have been so frightening! Thank God you found him.

