
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Sunday Post/Sunday Salan/Conan O'Brien #Minnsky

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
Tynga's Reviews
Sunday Salon


This week I listened to Conan O’Brien on WTF with Marc Maron (Click Here to Listen ).  He was talking about how he doesn’t consider himself brave. What he does is put himself in situations where he doesn’t have a choice but take a risk.  And I found that to be a good strategy and incredibly risky.
I’ve put myself in impossible situations, but I’ve always felt Not so great about it.
Like opps! I probably shouldn’t have done that, and then ran with my tail between my legs.

He also talked about the catholic religion and how it ingrained in him this idea of shame and repentance and how bad things fell on him periodically and that was just how things worked.  It was ‘pay back time.’ And that sounds incredibly hard.


He talked about being a perfectionist and about how hard he is on himself which makes him this very intense person. It was interesting to hear Conan talk about how the same group of actors are in most of the movies and how this group must be inspired by god because they keep on showing up to all the same events.  

This week, I also went to see a musical parody at Minnsky Theater. The unlikely villain in this play was Aladdin and the hero: Jafar. An array of guest appearances from other notable Disney Movies made there way into this play;including Jack Sparrow, Snow White and Belle (as seen on the far right in the picture below)

Lastly, we made it to Chaos WaterPark yesterday, in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. We were going to go to Wisconsin Dells, but my lil' one has, had a bad case of the Terrible Two's and we just couldn't risk it so we decided to go to a smaller park.

That was my week folks, please tell me about yours in the comments below.


Reading:The Big Love By Sarah Dunn


Watching: Plays by Christopher Durang


Up Coming:

Sunday:Sunday Post

Readers if you want to comment, please do so below.


  1. Very interesting concept, putting yourself into a situation where you have no choice but to take a risk, like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

    1. I never thought of it like that, but yeah ...totally Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

  2. I could see Aladdin being a villain. I mean aren't genies supposed to trick you into making weird wishes that turn against you? If you've ever watched the Wishmaster movies you know what I'm talking about.

    1. I haven't watched the Wishmaster movies but yeah it was easy to see Aladdin as a villian. In this re-telling, he was on a mission to take advantage of every scenario he could, and Jafar had an interesting backstory where his wife was taken captive by the king.

  3. I hate being backed into a corner so I don't think that would work for me...

    1. I totally get it. It's tough. If I was Conan, I'd probably be in a permanent state of panic, but that's just me.

    2. Yeah, I don't need to give myself more stress. No thank you.

  4. That water park looks awesome, I hope your little one tired himself out nicely ;)

    Have a great reading week

    1. It was totally fun, hope we can go back soon.

  5. I became a Catholic late in life, so I missed out on the shame and repentance part. Or maybe that is still to come.

    I've never been to a water park, but I always think about going to Schlitterbahn (in Texas). Maybe one day.

    Have a great week!

  6. That water park looks great! I hope your little one had fun. That play sounds super interesting!
    I'm not a Catholic for sooooo many reasons. I prefer to belong to a religion that follows everything from the Bible, not from what man creates. But anyways, I definitely don't agree with the "shame" part. I mean, God already loves you. He's desperately seeking after you. He's just waiting for you to notice and respond to Him. That's all. And when you respond to Him, wonderful things will happen in you through Him. It's simply great ❤️
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

  7. I’m trying to take more risks this year. So far, I’m just very stressed out! I hope some of the risks turn out to be worth it. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

