
Monday, September 2, 2019

#Sunday Post #amwriting #amjoy @kimbacaffeinate

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme


This week I started swimming lessons with the lil' one. Nothing like hearing a toddler scream for joy and fear. I also managed to go to musical improv at HUGE theater.

I listened to a clip on Youtube with Judd Apatow giving a talk at the Chicago Humanities Festival. Apatow is a filmmaker and comedian and was given an AFI Award for Bridesmaids. He talked about his career and where his ideas for movies came from; how he was talking with Amy Schumer one day and how they came up with a whole movie together, and then agreed at one point ‘this isn’t going to work.’ And how he took a different angle by asking her, “Amy, why don’t you have a boyfriend?”

And she had explained her insecurities and weird things she does in a relationships. ( Amy once compared one of her exes to Steven Hawking) Apatow explained how her past became the premise for the movie Trainwreck.  (side note, I'm stunned by Amy Schumer's ability to perform comedy while pregnant.  Just goes to show women can do anything when they put their mind to it.)

He also talked about Steve Carell and how he asked him one day his about ideas and Carell telling him he had this idea where he’s a 40-year-old virgin and sexually frustrated and Apatow is able to connect, having his own sexual frustrations, and how that later became a movie.

Apatow reflected on his career decisions and how he worked alongside actors like David Spade and Chris Farley and how Adam Sandler lived down the block, but Apatow realized he’d never be as funny as those guys and he didn’t want his acting to be mediocre.

That was my fun week guys, be sure to let me know about yours in the comments below.


Reading:  Shiny Broken Pieces by Sona Charaipotra, The Beauty of the Moment by Tanaz Bhathena, My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing, Wait for Me by Amy Daws, Who'd have Thought by G Benson

Listening: I can only Imagine By Bart Millard

Watching: Game of Thrones


What Happened:

(Not a whole lot so I'll talk about last week)

Actress Maren Ward was interviewed

Saturday: Weekend Warriors post

Up Coming:
Friday: Interview with actor Luke Daniels, who has narrated over 450 audiobooks, including ones by Nora Roberts and Stephen King.
Saturday:Weekend Warriors 
Sunday:Sunday Post

Readers if you want to comment, please do so below.


  1. Seems like Apatow's whole career was based on not looking inside, but by listening to others and building on the stories he's heard.

  2. I like learning about how and why certain movies were created...and it's so true that our flaws and foibles can lead to great things.

    I have never watched Game of Thrones...and perhaps I will someday. It is certainly popular.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Yes, it's very interesting Laurel. I have one tid bit about Game of Thrones, and that is the character of Tyrion was recommended for the role by a someone who saw him in a small theater performance.

  3. I remember trying to teach my daughter how to swim when she was little. Patience, patience, patience. lol
    Thanks for letting your friend know about m blog. I appreciate it.

    1. Nice to learn about your kids, Mary. You should mention more about them in your blog.

  4. Good luck with the swimming lessons! I hated those when I was a kid. I’m not a water person. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I was never much a water person either A.J. but last summer taught me the importance of water safety and how much summers can be with water sports.

  5. We lived on Lake Minnetonka so my daughter started lessons at 2 and went all the way through lifeguarding. I always loved swimming and used to teach Saturday morning lessons at the Southdale area YMCA when I was in grad school. oh the good old days Have a wonderful week!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. Omg Anne! I feel like we're neighbors now. I used to go to this camp where we swam in Lake Minnetonka and it was so much fun.

  6. Swimming is an important skill for kids to learn, enjoy the process. Thanks for sharing your enjoyment of the You tube video

    Have a great reading week

    1. Yes, please share some more of those videos.

  7. Swimming with kids is always an experience. We started swimming with our son when he was about 6 months. He's always been 100% fine with swimming but hated the bath! Never could work that out...

    1. I totally get it, my son hates the shower but likes the bath and doesn't like getting his hair washed.

  8. I haven't watched any Game of Thrones. I am hoping it ends up on Netflix or Prime, eventually. Swimming lessons are great fun! Hope this week is grand!

    1. Yes Kim, you've got to see Game of Thrones. There's so many unexpected twists and turns and it's not your typical Historical Drama where you're witnessing the same settings over and over.

  9. I love taking my daughter to swim lessons, and The Improv sounds like it was a lot of fun! Have a great week!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  10. Thanks Lindy, I certainly will have a great week. I connected a lot with people on Saturday and I felt overjoyed.

