
Saturday, March 30, 2019

Sunday Post @NellSco @ScholarlyFox #amreading #amjoy

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

           LOOKING FORWARD TO march

This week I came across an inspirational writer named Chris Fox who says he writes 5,000 words an hour!

On his blog:  there is a Youtube clip where he talks about the acceleration of his novel sales including which months his books were selling, along with charts and graphs from Amazon to show the progression.  Some months, he has up to eleven thousand dollars in sales.  I picture Stephen King, dragging his mouse up and down charts like this guy's and being like.  'One million sales in December. Oh my!  And a tiny growth in April, what's up with that?'  

Either way, this Chris fella' has like six novels out ,and it's interesting to see his enthusiasm when it comes to his novel writing.  You don't see a lot of novelists go in depth the way he does.

This week I also listened to Nell Scovell's audio book. If you don't know Nell, she is a television and magazine writer and producer.  She created Sabrina the Teenage Witch series. I also found out that Nell was a former writer for late night with David letterman she also wrote for The Wilton North Report, Coach, Monk, Murphy Brown, Charmed, Newhart, The Critic, NCIS.  She was the first woman to write an episode for the Simpsons.  
Career advice she's been given:

 "1: Never be afraid to write spec,  2: Don’t ask friends for work and 3: take any job that comes your way, you never know where it might lead." 
 Nell also talks about what it's like to be one of the few female directors and how women need to be asking themselves 'What would I do, if I weren't afraid?'
I made a little list of things I'd do if I wasn't afraid.

      Readers, what would you do, if you weren't afraid? Please comment below.


      Reading: You're on an Airplane by Parker Posey, Under a Painted Sky by Stacey Lee.

      Listening: Just the Funny Parts by Nell Scovell, Business Adventures by John Brooks


      Current: The Sunday Post, Stacking the Books

      Up Coming:


      1. Wow! I've never heard of this guy, but that's pretty phenomenal info, and I definitely plan to check him out! I definitely agree about not asking friends for work(lol) I've seen lots of disasters when this happens. Hugs...RO

        1. I hope you do check him out. I've worked with friends, but yeah asking them for work, I always get the same response, "check online."

      2. Sounds like a great week! Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog. Your requested a photo of my new "bedroom look." Here's a link:


      3. He really sounds like he must enjoy what he's doing.

      4. Wow, that is a lot of words. I don’t think I could stay motivated to write that much. Have a great week!

        Aj @ Read All The Things!

      5. Interesting things you learned this week. Here's to another informative week! Happy reading!

        Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

        1. Thanks, reflecting on all the things I learned helps me keep it all in my head.

      6. I’m afraid of heights, if I wasn’t I would want to go skydiving, it seems exhilarating.

        Have a great reading week:)

        1. Ski diving is on my bucket list but I'm scared:(

      7. Wow, that is an awful lot of words. Glad you are being inspired and I agree about the never know what doors it will open.

        1. Yes, exactly Karen. I think with each writing rejection I get, I'll try and pursue five new opportunities and let that be a motivator.

      8. I dont know what I'd do if I wasn't afraid but it's certainly something to think about... Maybe once the wants and fears are identified change can happen?

        P.S I have no idea how anyone can write 5000 words and hour.

        1. I've been trying it this week and the most I got up to was 2500.

