
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

@ChastittyBarre #experteasers #nutcrackernoir

Chastitty Barre is here with me to talk about Burlesque and Minnsky theater.

Photo by JR of Upper Boundary Photography 

You played as a Wookiee in this holiday extravaganza, how did you come up with your character’s persona?

Well the Wicked Wenches did the Strip Wars Holiday Special in 2015 before I joined, so wee already had a moody teenager character to play off of. But really most of my character stems from how I wanted to be as a teenager. I would have loved to get piercings and dye my hair, but my parents wouldn't let me.


Since I had to vocalize as a Wookiee, I had the idea to just make disgruntled teen sounds the whole time. True to human teens, Lumpy is very temperamental. One minute he's super excited about something; the next he's super emotional about something else.

How and where did you start burlesque?

I started January 2017 at ExperTease Fitness. It's crazy how much has changed in those two years!
Photo by Jenny Lory

Can you tell me a beauty secret that only a burlesque dancer would know?

Hmm... Home Depot has the best carpet tape for pasties! They have a great double sided tape that is thicker than other carpet tape and it makes it much easier to peel off pasties and yourself! 

Photo by JR of Upper Boundary Photography. 

Photo by JR of Upper Boundary Photography. 

 Do you take burlesque classes?

I graduated from the ExperTease Fitness burlesque program, but I'm still constantly learning. I love to watch and learn from a variety of performers to really expand my craft.

What else inspires your own burlesque performances?

I get inspired a lot through comedy, which is why I love the Wicked Wenches so much. I've found that if I have a fun or funny song that people generally respond better to the performance, although serious or sexy pieces definitely have their own place too.

I've been dancing for over 20 years so I also find a lot of inspiration in other dancers. And, of course, drag. Drag culture is what got me into the burlesque world so i find a lot of inspiration through the similarities with drag culture. 

Chastitty will be performing  at Minnsky Theater for their Nutcracker Noir show, Dec 28-30!

Photo by Matt Davis of Lion's Mane Photography

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