
Friday, October 22, 2021

Sunday Post @hauntedbasement #amjoy

This posted  in 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme


I had a lot of fun at this place called the Thehauntedbasement . Although it does take place in a basement; it’s really what leads down to it that is so scary. In the center is a glass art studio where there are kilns and students holding torches to make glassblowing art. And as you're walking around, students are hanging onto these torches and all you can think of is I hope this is not part of the haunted house experience.

Funniest thing about the whole ordeal was a man holding a spectator's head between a cash register and a bakery glass window and acting as though he was going to cut the guy's head off. One of the paying guest was going around and letting people out of their cells. Unfortunately, she never got to me and I was locked in there for five minutes.

Prior to all this, everyone in line was talking about their expectations of the haunted house, including a woman who decided to wear nursing clogs even though your not supposed to wear heels of any sort. Her defense, "I can walk in these pretty well." No cell phones were allowed and no help for getting through the haunted house even though the goblins from hell were allowed to flash small red lights in your eye. A small flashlight would have been nice because I got separated from a friend during the course of the night and so I found myself trying to sidle up next to other couples who didn’t get separated and although that was fun making new friends and I all, I would have liked to have been with my own friend.

I get really giggly whenever I go through haunted houses, I don’t know if it’s a coping mechanism or what, but I end up bracing myself for each new room and say something like, Is anyone in here? Or I’m coming in. Although, I don't really know what kind of coping mechanism that is because if anything it’s just letting the monster know that there’s fresh meat like a zombie smelling fresh blood. Usually the actor just drops everything their doing to come and find me and I’m fine with that- I’m practically begging for attention. I actually lost my voice the night I was there.

Readers, if you have had any great Halloween experiences let me know in the comments below.


Reading: A Man Walks into the Room by Nicole Krauss, Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan, by Ruth Gilligan, Knots by Gunnhild 0yehuag, By the Book by Julia Sonneborn

Listening:Lost for Words by St. Aubyn, Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami, The Emperor of Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee, 

Watching: Japanese Movies


  1. Wow, I'm a big chicken so I don't think I could take part in something scary like this. I'd probably faint, lol.

  2. We don’t have anything like this in Australia, which is a shame though I’d probably never be brave enough to go in one anyway!

    Wishing you a great reading week

