
Friday, September 21, 2018

#8Sunday, Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write!  Sign up on the and share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday.

No one likes it when their family life changes.  This is particularly hard for the Radtke's.  A troublesome girl named Tracey enters their lives and the children are an endless journey to make sure this girl doesn't get into any further trouble or cause their parents to lose their fostering license.  These are snippets from my second novella in the series, "Oh Tracey."

Last week

I knew it was Tracey’s diary because on the back she scrawled in black marker her name.
Should I read it? Should I? I went back and forth wrestling with my conscience.  If I read it, I may be compelled to tell someone about it because it might be hard for me not to.  Then again, if I did read it, Tracey might find out and tell Mom and Dad.  I settled with the decision that yes I should read it, she could be in trouble. On the first page it read:
Readers beware.

This week

Reading this could mark the end for you.
I should have started from the front but I thought I would start with the very last entry and then page through it at random.

Dear Diary

I have yet to understand everything there is to know but I do believe grandma’s got a few things in her room she’d like give me when she meets her end of her life.

I paused after reading that because it must have been the saddest thing I ever read in my life.
I feel as though Grandma may want me to have these things because she was going through the house and pointing to items and telling me to write them down. She also asked if I’d want any of them.
She listed her grandma’s things in bold letters, like she had painstakingly went over each letter again and again. Back lit camera, Andrea Television, Pincor Power lawn mower, potato masher, nut chopper, Nikkio Rotary grinder. Ten pairs of slacks, one dress, several stockings.

 Dear Diary,
This ends the list of everything grandma wants to keep. I’ve been meaning to tell you that I’ve met an interesting group of people.
They shall remain nameless on account that someone may read this diary and I will be putting myself into jeopardy.

Readers, please comment below. 

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