
Saturday, May 12, 2018

Weekend Writing Warriors #socialsaturday #amwriting

Weekend Writing Warriors #amwriting #wewriwa

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write!  Sign up on the and share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday.

No one likes it when their family life changes.  This is particularly hard for the Radtke's.  A troublesome girl named Tracey enters their lives and the children are an endless journey to make sure this girl doesn't get into any further trouble or cause their parents to lose their fostering license.  These are snippets from my second novella in the series, "Oh Tracey."

Last week
A man carrying three boxes stacked above his head walked past us. 
"We must be in a stockroom, " I said to Zion.
"Yeah, that man almost saw us too,"  We made our way towards the exit.
I got a page from Mom on my pager. I texted her and said we were at the mall. She wrote back and said as long as we were there, we should meet her at the craft fair. Zion said he’d go but stop off at Shinders, a hobby store, first. Mom made a habit of taking us every year to the craft fair, being that her friend, Connie, was a craft maker. Connie made figures out of wood and decorated them. She had big glasses that got darker when the sun came out.
This week
She often had us take lawn ornaments that she that leaned on the side of her house and load them up into her truck. The ornaments were so huge that they often scared squirrels away. Big eyed elves and round frogs that had no reason to be in any front yard in the first place, alive or dead. I didn’t talk to Connie much but Bob, her husband, was absolutely hilarious. He used to be a comedic actor and always had good stories to tell. Mom had set the two of them up two years ago and it was a match made in heaven. The two smoked like a chimney: Bob was 6’8, Connie was 5’10. Mom said Bob weighed about three hundred pounds but said most of his weight was in his gut. He had a huge antique toy collection.

Readers, please comment below.

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