
Sunday, May 27, 2018

Weekend Writing Warrios #wewriwa #amwriting #amjoy

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write!  Sign up on the and share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday.

No one likes it when their family life changes.  This is particularly hard for the Radtke's.  A troublesome girl named Tracey enters their lives and the children are an endless journey to make sure this girl doesn't get into any further trouble or cause their parents to lose their fostering license.  These are snippets from my second novella in the series, "Oh Tracey."

Last week
Every time I visited their house, it was dark with the soft hue of a single light in one corner of the room. One could easily assume they had no children; or if they did, they’d have to live in dark shadows of the place.
Arriving at the craft fair, I was surprised to find Tracey there. She looked calm despite what had happened earlier. Forty or so crafters had set up their own tables in a strip almost the length of the strip mall's hallway. Connie gave me a clipboard and a job.“I want you to man the station."
“Okay, Connie,” I said. She showed me a tin box where the money went and then took her Diet Coke with her to the bathroom.
Tracey was sitting at the end of a card table filing her nails.
“You going to help?” I asked.

“Do what?”

This week
“Never mind.” I began reorganizing the crafts on the table in a way that seemed to make more sense. Boy wooden dolls went other with boy wooden dolls, girls went with girls. Figures that said, ‘Home sweet home’ didn’t need to go with other ones that resembled homes, so I put them instead next to Halloween cats and scarecrows. The Christmas Santas really had no place next to the candy canes so I put them with the the vegetables, including orange squash and tomatoes. “Eat your heart out,” I said patting Santa’s belly.
“You’re weird, you know that?” said Tracey.
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
Readers, please comment below.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

@CaffeinatedbookReviewer, #amreading, #sunday

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme


This has been a fun but also challenging week.  Zahdi tore his ACL and looks like he'll be out of commission for a while.  Kayaking on hold?  We're also have car problems with our Hyundai Accent.  Lastly, I took my son to, two different rec centers this week for Tot Time .   

I listened to the parents talk about:
  • Fireworks
  • Their vacations (Ours being a trip to Wisconsin Dells)
  • How much they spend on fireworks
  • National night out.
  • How their kids love to talk
  • The things their kids love to do.

Thanks for stopping by, please be sure to check out what I'm reading and maybe even leave a comment.


Reading:  Her Every Fear by Peter Swanson, Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli, Bombay Blues by Tunuja Desai Hider, Wanderlust by Elisabeth Eaves

Listening: Shopaholic and Baby by Sophie Kinsella, read by Katherine Kellgren
Watching Barry (on Cable) and Michael Jackson Documentary (Wow, he spent 2.3 Million a month)


What Happened

Friday:Pictues from my trip to the Arboretum Garden in Minnesota

Saturday:Weekend Warriors post

Up Coming:
Saturday:Weekend Warriors 
Sunday:Sunday Post

Readers if you want to comment, please do so below.

#Interview with Jason Culp #voiceacting #amjoy @kakuralasombey

Actor and audiobook narrator, Jason Culp, is with us today. Jason was born in LA and played the original Julian Jerome on General Hospital. He's been an actor since he was 10 and narrator since he was 35.

Onto the interivew...

Jason, you have been in a few soap operas prior to your voice acting career, can you tell us a little about that?

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Sunday Post @CaffeinatedBookReviewer #amreading #amjoy #bestoftheday #love

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme


On Wednesday of this week I found myself busier than usual.  We went to Dick's Sporting Goods to buy an inflatable kayak.  Yes, Kayaking is in our future when we buy paddles, an air pump and safety gear.  Ever since we went kayaking in San Diego, we've had kayaking on the brain and I'm so glad we finally bought one.  
I also had a sit down with the Early Child Education committee and I felt like I was having a meeting with the United Nations.  Burmese, Somali, and Mexican immigrants were represented along with their translators in order to discuss child welfare.  It was fantastic!  I speak a bit of Somali and Arabic, so listening to the translation was quite fun for me.

Thanks for stopping by, please be sure to check out what I'm reading and maybe even leave a comment.


Reading:  Sweet Bitter By Sephanie Danler, The Cafe by the Sea by Jenny Colgan, They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera, Almost French by Sarah Turnbull, The Assistant by Camille Perri, The Children by Ann Leary, Her Every Fear by Peter Swanson, The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis, The Butterfly Project by Emma Scott.

Listening: Warcross by Marie Lu, Radio Silence by Alice Oseman, 

Watching Silicon Valley and Barry (on Cable)

I decided to list some of my favorite books of 2017 if you're interested.

  1. All the Light we Cannot See by Anthony Doer
  2. Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie
  3. Exit West by Mohsin Hamid
  4. History of Wolves by Emily Fridlund
  5. Elmet by Fiona Mozley
  6. Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman
  7. The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Alberatalli  
  8. Hanya Yanagihara's 'A Little Life' 
  9. Eileen by Otessa Moshfegh
  10. Tampa by Alissa Nutting


What Happened:

Saturday:Weekend Warriors post

Up Coming:
Saturday:Weekend Warriors 
Sunday:Sunday Post

Readers if you want to comment, please do so below.

Weekend Writing Warriors #amwriting #amjoy

Weekend Writing Warriors #amwriting #wewriwa

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write!  Sign up on the and share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday.

No one likes it when their family life changes.  This is particularly hard for the Radtke's.  A troublesome girl named Tracey enters their lives and the children are an endless journey to make sure this girl doesn't get into any further trouble or cause their parents to lose their fostering license.  These are snippets from my second novella in the series, "Oh Tracey."

Last week
She often had us take lawn ornaments that she that leaned on the side of her house and load them up into her truck. The ornaments were so huge that they often scared squirrels away. Big eyed elves and round frogs that had no reason to be in any front yard in the first place, alive or dead. I didn’t talk to Connie much but Bob, her husband, was absolutely hilarious. He used to be a comedic actor and always had good stories to tell. Mom had set the two of them up two years ago and it was a match made in heaven. The two smoked like a chimney: Bob was 6’8, Connie was 5’10. Mom said Bob weighed about three hundred pounds but said most of his weight was in his gut. He had a huge antique toy collection.

This week

Every time I visited their house, it was dark with the soft hue of a single light in one corner of the room. One could easily assume they had no children; or if they did, they’d have to live in dark shadows of the place.
Arriving at the craft fair, I was surprised to find Tracey there. She looked calm despite what had happened earlier. Forty or so crafters had set up their own tables in a strip almost the length of the strip mall's hallway. Connie gave me a clipboard and a job.“I want you to man the station."
“Okay, Connie,” I said. She showed me a tin box where the money went and then took her Diet Coke with her to the bathroom.
Tracey was sitting at the end of a card table filing her nails.
“You going to help?” I asked.

“Do what?”

Readers, please comment below.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Sunday Post #amreading #amjoy

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things  received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme


This week I saw Faux Pas perform at Southern theater for their Festival Happy Hour Showing. It was a Modern Dance and the theme of the dance was TIME.
There was a Q &A after in which the dancers talked about how time affects our lives and we talked what work we do and whether we found ourselves busier than we've ever been before.  Nah, I'm not busy, I thought.  I just read books and take author/narrator interviews.  I also go to writers groups and read other people's work.  I try to promote independent authors and constantly tweet and post on Facebook.  I'm writing a novel and work full time in nursing.  So yeah, I'm not busy, lol.  Readers, are you busy?

Thanks for stopping by, please be sure to check out what I'm reading and maybe even leave a comment.


Reading:  Sweet Bitter By Sephanie Danler,  Remember Me? (contemporary)  By Sophie Kinsella, Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulhurst (fantasy). 

Listening: Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella

Watching:  Silicon Valley and New Girl


What Happened:

Saturday:Weekend Warriors post

Up Coming:
Saturday:Weekend Warriors 
Sunday:Sunday Post

Readers if you want to comment, please do so below.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Weekend Writing Warriors #socialsaturday #amwriting

Weekend Writing Warriors #amwriting #wewriwa

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write!  Sign up on the and share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday.

No one likes it when their family life changes.  This is particularly hard for the Radtke's.  A troublesome girl named Tracey enters their lives and the children are an endless journey to make sure this girl doesn't get into any further trouble or cause their parents to lose their fostering license.  These are snippets from my second novella in the series, "Oh Tracey."

Last week
A man carrying three boxes stacked above his head walked past us. 
"We must be in a stockroom, " I said to Zion.
"Yeah, that man almost saw us too,"  We made our way towards the exit.
I got a page from Mom on my pager. I texted her and said we were at the mall. She wrote back and said as long as we were there, we should meet her at the craft fair. Zion said he’d go but stop off at Shinders, a hobby store, first. Mom made a habit of taking us every year to the craft fair, being that her friend, Connie, was a craft maker. Connie made figures out of wood and decorated them. She had big glasses that got darker when the sun came out.
This week
She often had us take lawn ornaments that she that leaned on the side of her house and load them up into her truck. The ornaments were so huge that they often scared squirrels away. Big eyed elves and round frogs that had no reason to be in any front yard in the first place, alive or dead. I didn’t talk to Connie much but Bob, her husband, was absolutely hilarious. He used to be a comedic actor and always had good stories to tell. Mom had set the two of them up two years ago and it was a match made in heaven. The two smoked like a chimney: Bob was 6’8, Connie was 5’10. Mom said Bob weighed about three hundred pounds but said most of his weight was in his gut. He had a huge antique toy collection.

Readers, please comment below.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Weekend Writing Warriors #amwriting #wewriwa

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write!  Sign up on the and share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday.

No one likes it when their family life changes.  This is particularly hard for the Radtke's.  A troublesome girl named Tracey enters their lives and the children are an endless journey to make sure this girl doesn't get into any further trouble or cause their parents to lose their fostering license.  These are snippets from my second novella in the series, "Oh Tracey."

Last week
All of Santa’s reindeer were there too, I checked by counting them with my pointer finger. Yup all there. I kicked one of the the cardboard reindeer. “Tracey, you behind there?” The cardboard teetered and fell to the ground. No Tracey.

Zion poked his head through a cardboard stand-up like dufus' before him who would have done the same. I took a picture of him with my two hands. He smiled and did another pose and then another, “Work it for the camera,” I said. 

This week
A man carrying three boxes stacked above his head walked past us. 
"We must be in a stockroom, " I said to Zion.
"Yeah, that man almost saw us too,"  We made our way towards the exit.
I got a page from Mom on my pager. I texted her and said we were at the mall. She wrote back and said as long as we were there, we should meet her at the craft fair. Zion said he’d go but stop off at Shinders, a hobby store, first. Mom made a habit of taking us every year to the craft fair, being that her friend, Connie, was a craft maker. Connie made figures out of wood and decorated them. She had big glasses that got darker when the sun came out.

Readers, please comment below.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Nancy Wu #RecordedBooks #VoiceActing #Audiobook

Nancy Wu pictured above
Nancy Wu is with me today to discuss audiobook narration.  
Nancy has been narrating books since 2004. She has recorded in studios all over the world—from Italy to Switzerland to Thailand.  She has performed all the books in MaryJanice Davidson’s Undead—Betsy the Vampire Queen series. She has also recorded War Cross by Marie Lu. Nancy makes her home in Boulder, Colorado, as an avid yoga practitioner and rock climber.

Audio Narrated by Nancy Wu

Let’s talk about Mia Alvar’s book, In the Country. Now, I connected with this work and it’s array of diverse characters and specifically the story  of “The Miracle Worker.” You see, I converted to Islam more than a decade ago and the main character is also muslim and struggled with her Islamic faith.  {In the story, a Filipina woman named Sally is contacted by a wealthy Saudi woman in hopes that she’ll teach her special needs daughter, Anoush, and fantasizes that the Filipina woman be what Anne Sullivan was to Helen Keller.}“Yes, I remember recording that story a while back and I remember the characters quite well...I did my best to bring out the dialect of the character, Anoush.  All of Mia Alvar’s stories required me to get to know dialects of Filipino characters...I’m often given jobs for characters who have Asian accents.

Do you look up unknown words you come across in books and write them out phonetically before you record?

Yes, Pennequin audio has a research department that is available to audiobook narrators from where I can research unknown words.  Occasionally, there will be directors for certain books that request that they work with audiobook narrators specifically on certain works, this can be done over Skype or actors can be flown into New York or LA for recording...Some writers have either full or limited access to their work and some can choose whether they’d like to give feedback to actors.  I recorded one of Amy Tan’s books and she requested to read a chapter herself.

Oh my God, I love Amy Tan! In high school I pictured my little group of friends from Laos  to be similar to that of Joy Luck Club and we’d have dinner at one another’s homes.

Here’s another question for you, I have read that audiobooks are becoming more popular.  Do you think that is a correct assessment?
Yes, ever since Amazon bought out Audible there are audio versions of almost every book. Some well-known audiobook narrators like Scott Brick or Wil Wheaton have home recording studios where they can retreat down to their basement and record...let’s say when the kids have gone to bed or during the day.  

Last question. When you were younger did you see yourself as an audiobook narrator?
Nobody ever dreams that they’ll become an audiobook narrator mostly everyone dreams they’ll be a hollywood actor but ever since Amazon bought out Audible, almost every book has an audio version and audible has just been booming.  In the beginning engineers and actors were recruited