
Friday, February 2, 2018

Michigan Writer, Helga Gruendler-Schierloh #amreading #amjoy

Writer, Helga Gruendler-Schierloh is with me today to discuss her writing. Helga is a bilingual writer with a degree in journalism and graduate credits in linguistics.

 Her international women's novel, "Burying Leo," was recently released by Laurel Highlands Publishing, Pennsylvania. Available on Amazon .The novel depicts a young vocalist's struggle with the tragic consequences of sexual assault - until a redeeming and rather unconventional romance catapults her into reclaiming her life's dream. 

Helga,what have you written?

So far, I had mostly short stories, articles, essays, and poetry published in the United States, the UK, and Canada.. 

Tell us about your writing process and the way you brainstorm story ideas?

I fall frequently back on experiences - both negative and positive - in my own life, which I then embellish with an imaginary story-line. I also like to use my fictional tales as vehicles to explore issues that are important to me. Therefore, my writing tends to be a mix of human interest and suspense. That's why my shorter pieces often include a variety of personal memoirs, ranging from nostalgic to introspective to funny while my debut novel, "Burying Leo," explores the dark world of sexual abuse.  

What is your favorite motivational phrase?  

Never give up on following your dreams!

What writer pushed you to think differently about your life?

Actually, early on in my life, it was my favorite aunt, a voracious reader, who introduced me to the magic world of books. In high school as well as college, two teachers, respectively, cheered me on in my writing endeavors and greatly influenced the way I viewed my literary inclination and what I wanted to do with it.

Elmore Leonard, the prolific Michigan crime writer, left a profound impression on me, since I had the pleasure of getting to know him personally. Coincidentally, we occupied office space in the same building. Later on, while I was pursuing a degree in journalism, I had the privilege of interviewing him for a writing assignment. At the time, he admitted that he was still hoping for a beststeller. Well, he certainly has far exceeded that goal --- nowadays being known as an icon of American crime fiction.
Elmore Leonard's literary success serves as yet another reminder to "never give up on following your dreams."

What inspires you to get out of bed each day?

My love and responsibilities for my family and, of course, my anxiousness to read, write, and then write some more!

Last question, what do your fans mean to you?  

I am driven to write, to express myself. So, ultimately, I feel elevated and rewarded when other people not only read what I composed but are possibly entertained and/or inspired by it.

Contact Helga:

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