
Saturday, September 16, 2017

Skye McNeil @Skye_McNeil7 #amreading #amjoy

Author Skye McNeil is joining me today. Skye writes RomCom and Romantic Suspense novels that are smart, flirty and sassy.

And onto the interview...

Skye, what have you written?
Appointed By Fate is my first book with Hot Tree Publishing and my third book in total to be published. I also have Timberline with Hartwood Publishing and Donuts, Diamonds and Assorted Details self-published.
Give us an insight into your main characters. What does he/she do that is so special?
Joci Dorous is a criminal attorney in Des Moines, Iowa. She has a knack for getting the best possible outcome for her clients. She also has a delicious love triangle throughout the book. Cameron Shearer is a man on trial for homicide, but the mystery surrounding the murder is why he came to Iowa in the first place. His association with the Del Rossi mob gets him into more trouble than he can handle, which is why he needs Joci, a long lost friend, to help him out. The two character together make an incredible team and the constant struggle to see if they end up together keeps readers engaged.

What drew you to write in these genre?
I love to read books and watch shows/movies that leave you guessing and wanting more. I always like romance to make the stakes that much higher when I read/watch. Romantic suspense really encompasses both for the reader.

 Would you hire someone else to format, edit, or create artwork for your novel, how would you select them and how much weight do you put on reviews?
When I look for a person or company to assist me in my novel adventures, I always want to feel as though I'm not only an author, but also a part of a family. My publisher, Hot Tree Publishing, does an excellent job with informing me of what's expected of me as well as guiding me to become the best author possible.

Do you have any advice for other authors on how to market their books?
The best advice I ever got for marketing was to be a go-getter and never stop. I'm more of an introvert, so it's difficult at times, but when you meet your readers who otherwise would never know about your books except from marketing, it is an amazing feeling.
What do your fans mean to you?
My fans mean the world to me. Without them, I'm stuck reading my books alone. The support and interaction with my fans encourages me to continue my writing endeavors and often times offer new ideas.

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